Pro-Rec's Synth
Sound Files & Disks for
the Yamaha S80, S30 & CS6x!

We can email these sounds to you!

Our Yamaha S80, S30 & CS6x
sounds ARE NOW HERE!!

Pro-Rec Has Been The #1 Producer Of Synth
Sounds In The World for over ten years!

Titles Pro-Rec Offers for the Yamaha S30, S80 & CS6x:
New Age

We can email these files right to you!

S30, S80 & CS6x Disk Prices:

Mac or PC files by Email
$44.90 Each
$99 for all 3 banks
Floppy Disk (Same)

We can email these sounds to you!

5 Sounds from each of our three banks,
in one file for you to try! Free!

S30, S80 & CS6x Demo:

Mac Cardfiler Demo
Mac Instructions

PC Cardfiler Demo
PC Instructions


Dance features a tons of GREAT punchy synth hits, leads,
pads, basses and percussive sounds of all types - edgy synths, fat
punchy basses, the best that the S30, S80 & CS6x have to offer.
Analog leads, digital hits, sweeping pads, fat basses.
Top level, current dance and synth sounds!

Patch Names:

001 PanaSaws XY 033 Digglaters 065 Soft Pads 097 Bell Boddiker
002 XG Panates 034 DigitSofts 066 Rho Plug Bass 098 Glock Pans
003 P10 Keys 035 WurliPans 067 Elements 099 RhPlugBass
004 Hard Rains 036 PWM Stabs 068 PalaVox Bs 100 Big Obxers
005 Fezz Stacks 037 Ultima Syn 069 Brilliance 101 Sniffers X
006 P3 10 XGR 038 String Pads 070 DX Plug Bass 102 Tron Effex
007 Sticky XY 039 Cutter X 071 Negative Bs 103 PaddChiffs
008 X Movers 040 Simple Saw 072 Rezzo Sweep 104 Distant XG
009 Holliosis 041 India Tonic 073 Ooh Panates 105 Tech Noise
010 Indian Zone 042 Fat Stabber 074 Org Panner 106 Bell WaveBs
011 Tribamixx 043 Mogotron 075 FarfiRug Bass 107 Vibra Bells
012 DigitaPong 044 Pan Chiffs 076 Compumixx 108 BellakersXY
013 Bellers XG 045 Farrez 303 077 Medians XG 109 Bell Chiffs
014 Dark Digits 046 Biggles Bass 078 Plug LowBass 110 PanaWavers
015 Dbl Metalz 047 Bong Pong 079 Synna Mix 111 Light P Keys
016 Proteasis 048 Percosis 080 Thoughtful 112 Swishates
017 Droplets 049 Dark Metals 081 Breathers 113 Raver X Bass
018 Pongates 050 Digital Pad 082 Synco Bass 114 Soft Glocks
019 XG Edges 051 P Brown XG 083 Mini WahBs 115 Zip Zapper
020 Darknaters 052 Block Tris 084 Wurli Keys 116 Vocal Chiff
021 Chif String 053 Grufflers 085 Chifflutes 117 AngelicsXY
022 Bug Glass 054 Digi Risers 086 Slipperies 118 Fatty Synth
023 Emeralds X 055 CP Runs Bass 087 Oww Med Bs 119 Spattakers
024 Alienets 056 Plugger Bs 088 Ripperz XY 120 Panner Keys
025 Fantasy PWM 057 Digi Panose 089 Cutter X Bass 121 Twinklers
026 Thinner Saw 058 Synth Brass 090 Talky Bass 122 Cyber Zipper
027 Smoothy Bs 059 Fezz LowBs 091 Motor Saws 123 Scratchers X
028 Ping Ponger 060 Reso Swish 092 SyncoPulse 124 Dr. Squiggles
029 Aah Breaths 061 Spinnakers 093 Auraleas 125 Pulse Rips
030 UltimaBass 062 XY Zippers 094 VoxHollows 126 Ray Guns
031 Pulse Saw 063 Reve Synths 095 Brick Plug 127 Toinklers
032 PStackers 064 Throaty Bass 096 Jup Blocks 128 Dance Trons

128 All-New Programs & 1 Drum Kit!


Techno features tons of powerful, bright, fat techno/dance
stabs, hits, & leads... fat and smooth basses, punchy techno drums,
punchy stabs, motion synths, & a lot more... and all the sounds
you need for super techno, trance & powerful dance songs.

Patch Names:
001 X Men 033 Bell Chiffs 065 Space Bongs 097 Trapper
002 Filters XQ 034 Oscilation 066 Swisher 098 Block Bass
003 Electrixx 035 Guts Bass 067 Swashers 099 Hollowers
004 Fuzzers XY 036 Technos 068 Swish Jump 100 Pana Plug
005 Technis 037 Panattax 069 Planar Dome 101 ScarzZone
006 Talk Zone 038 X Buggs 070 Neutrinos 102 Space Drumz
007 Deep Bass 039 Layerrs 071 Emron Bass 103 Sashers
008 Dragons 040 Tech Swish 072 Stack Atack 104 Alum Keys
009 X Haunts 041 Mufflates 073 Padre Bass 105 Jumper Bass
010 IntelliPWM 042 Silencers 074 FM Bonger 106 Techtones
011 Sc Trooper 043 Pong Keys 075 Asia Dome 107 Pan Tapps
012 Transponds 044 Fuzzer Keys 076 Tribal Bass 108 Zipper Bass
013 Pole Fever 045 Farrez Bass 077 Super Mute 109 Digi Dr Bass
014 Pan Cuts 046 Qed Attack 078 Pulson Bass 110 Dog Hollow Bs
015 Helionics 047 Digtonics 079 InterFerence 111 Vibra Zone
016 PalaPulse 048 Tech Whists 080 DepecheMode 112 Pala Rezz
017 Veloattack 049 Send em 081 Panner Bass 113 Minus Plus
018 Big Stacks 050 Dogged Bass 082 Miracles FX 114 Growler
019 Fezz Plucks 051 Techno Bass 083 Aftershock 115 Scans Bass
020 Tech Bells 052 Claps Zone 084 Deep Throat 116 Sequentials
021 Bugger Bass 053 Stone Layer 085 SyncPulser 117 Popplers
022 Metalosis 054 Bellers 086 CP XG Bass 118 Choral Wave
023 Q Trackers 055 Organ Zone 087 Stabber Str 119 Panner Coms
024 Diggs Bass 056 Syntane 088 Planattack 120 Spoinkers
025 Electo Bass 057 Ana Bass 089 Tentacles 121 Darker Bass
026 Run scan 058 Terrosis 090 RhoMedBass 122 Digiosis
027 Bongo Bass 059 Digitosis 091 DigiPaddle 123 Mulers
028 DigiPads 1 060 Bellaker Bass 092 Planar Bass 124 Wirey Eyes
029 Digit Bass 061 DigiZone 093 Tonnerz 125 Super Arps
030 Factory 062 Subbers 094 Plug 1 Bass 126 Q Basis
031 Pulse Plug 063 Silence Brt 095 Rho Lo Bass 127 Scratchers
032 Digger Bass 064 Pulse Zone 096 Itoh Sweep 128 Flutters

128 All-New Programs & 1 Drum Kit!


New Age features rich lush dynamic smooth sweeping pads,
wonderful light synths and keys, light, textured sounds of all types,
and several film & ambient sounds. Beautiful swirling pads,
light musical atmospherics and soft, dynamic,
background & new age sounds of all types!

Patch Names:

001 Outkast 033 Panadromes 065 Jupiter Keys 097 Panasis
002 Warm Waters 034 Strummers Y 066 Bug Zapper 098 Gentle Keys
003 Mornings XY 035 SmoothPadBs 067 Jupiter Strings 099 Wavoids XG
004 Itoh Softs 036 Marim Aahs 068 Bright Pans 100 New Beginnings
005 Fathomers 037 Flutters 069 Harps Softs 101 Key Flutes
006 Panosis XG 038 Mellow Piano 070 Jung Chimes 102 JuniperPans
007 Poly Pad Syn 039 Interference 071 Tiny Nights 103 CP Soft Keys
008 Mallesnaps 040 Breathates 072 Softest Ooh 104 Tremulater
009 Lush Softs 041 Attackulus 073 Wanderers W 105 Soft Synths
010 Digtial Dose 042 DX Dream 074 Itoh Waves 106 Vibra Voxx
011 Wonderlite 043 Aah Sweeper 075 Mistiques 107 Itoh Oasis.
012 Bongolates 044 Guitar Waves 076 Quaver Syns 108 Warm Synths
013 MiracleSoft 045 Panaflutes 077 Digi Vox Mix 109 Swashates
014 DigitaSoft 046 Soft Wavoid 078 Elementals 110 Digital Ahs
015 Pan Waters 047 Muter Oohs 079 Panacea XY 111 Light M Keys
016 Spacetrons 048 SoftTonals 080 Chrispies 112 Glass Pops
017 Miracle Gro 049 MicroSpace 081 Aah Comings 113 Breath Ways
018 Dual Smooth 050 Voxx Keys 082 Piano Keys 114 Midnighter
019 Ultimals 051 New Age Pons 083 Vector Keys 115 Hypomatic
020 Gentle Saws 052 Soft Cups 084 Tosslers. 116 Waters XG
021 GlassyRhodes 053 Foilers SP 085 Glock Gamels 117 Slow Orchestrals
022 Ooh Softs 054 Pan Pipers 086 Block Lites 118 Space Spine
023 Jupiter Pad 055 Prognosis XY 087 Breathy EPs 119 Soft Indians
024 MalleOohs 056 Phenomenals 088 FluChiffs 120 Big Traxx
025 Vocasweep 057 SlowRollers 089 PanaPluck 121 Crystalline
026 New Age Drops 058 RhoBrsuhes 090 Water Swish 122 Whisperers
027 Wave Waters 059 Gentle Itoh 091 Choralates 123 FlutterPads
028 Wanderlust 060 Chorus Keys 092 MiracleRho 124 Mystery Wind
029 Steel Softs 061 Glass Rites 093 Cupper Pads 125 Hollow Vibe
030 OBx Soft Pads 062 Rush Padders 094 MalleRhos 126 Relaxers XG
031 Vocal Planes 063 Finger Lite 095 Aqualights 127 Film Intro
032 Beller Syns 064 Literals X 096 Jupiter Plucks 128 Distance XY

128 All-New Programs in this bank!

We can email these sounds to you!

Our synth sounds have been TOP RATED
in "Keyboard," "Electronic Musician," "Recording,"
"Korg Connection," "Sound on Sound UK,"
"FutureMusic UK" & many more!

Pro-Rec Is The #1 Producer Of
Synth Sounds In The World!
In business for over ten years!


Click on these boxes
for more info on our products:

Pro-Rec offers high quality sounds and
samples for almost every synth and sampler
to musicians all around the world!

Synth Pic


And get your synths and other hardware from:

Synth Pic

Our CD-ROMs and synth sounds
have been top rated in "Keyboard,"
"Electronic Musician," "Recording Magazine,"
"Korg Connection," "Triton Haven,"
"Trinity Haven," "Sound on Sound UK,"
"FutureMusic", and many more.

PO Box 633
Tiburon, CA 94920 U.S.A.

email us!: sounds@pro-rec.com
phone: No phone until iPhone! (Email us!) *we prefer email
fax: (801) 409-7534

©2006 Pro-Rec, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Best Synth Sounds for Musicians Around the World!
We've Been #1 in Synth Sounds in the World for Over 15 Years!
Be sure to web order, call, mail, or fax us with your order today!


Synth Pic