have excellent sounds for the SY85 - 3 program disks and a bunch of
sample disks, all at a really great price. The SY85 sounds are some
of our best and have been incredibly well received. |
Here's information
on our sounds
for the Yamaha SY85 & TG500 & compatibles!
Our synth sounds have been TOP RATED
in "Keyboard," "Electronic Musician," "Recording,"
"Korg Connection," "Sound on Sound UK,"
"FutureMusic UK" & many more!
Our SY85 sounds are exceptional, and an amazing deal.
Our program disks offer all new patches based on the internal samples.
Sample disks provide patches that simply play back the all-new samples based
on the disk.
Floppies for the SY85 hold only 512k of data, so that means there are fewer
but all-new samples you would have never heard before, ever!
And, the 512k of samples on the sample disks work with all factory-standard
so you don't have to worry about having enough memory.
They are both a great deal.
Introducing our high quality program disks for the SY85 &
TG500, filled with 256 voices & 128 performances each!...
Pro-Rec's sounds have won awards and top ratings from
major magazines and newsletters... IncIuding a 5-STAR
review from Keyboard. And buying our sounds is easy!
Each program disk is just 39.90, with 256 voices and 128
combinations each, every synth, piano, drum or misc sample
disk is now just $18 (any 10 sample disks, just $99.90!)
First Class Mail shipping is only $2 anywhere in the US,
no matter how many disks you order! ($6 International!)
Pro-Rec has the best sounds available... be sure to call us today!
Sample Disks Pro-Rec Offers for the Yamaha SY85:
Super Dance
Super Synth
Super Pop
Super Jupiter
Ultimate Pop
Analog Synths
B3 Organs
Acoustic Strings
Synth Vox & Choir
Piano 1
Piano 2
Piano Mix 1
Piano Mix 2
Electronic Dance 1
Electronic Dance 2
Electronic Dance 3
808 Dance
909 Dance
Super Rap Kit 1
Super Rap Kit 2
90's House Kit 1
90's House Kit 2
90's House Kit 3
Disk: $18 each SPECIAL: BUY 2, GET A 3RD FREE...
Get All 3 SY85 Program Disks, JUST $59!
Get All 3 SY85 or TG500 ROMs, JUST $139!
Get All 24 Sample Disks, JUST $149!
SY85 Dance features superb, heavy-hitting
digital and analog dance sounds of all types...
super basses, rich pads, powerful hits,
dynamic leads and more! Highly recommended!
A1 | HydrPoly | C1 | SqrePoly | E1 | SlwSweep | G1 | SlowRPad |
A2 | Panatone | C2 | SuprAnlg | E2 | Syn Keys | G2 | ShooFlte |
A3 | HelioSyn | C3 | SynPluck | E3 | HelioPls | G3 | HoloFlut |
A4 | PanToins | C4 | RichPads | E4 | Eli Pops | G4 | BandPuls |
A5 | Dynasine | C5 | AcsStrng | E5 | AnaTones | G5 | TriplSyn |
A6 | Hydratik | C6 | RvrsBrts | E6 | SoftPad1 | G6 | PSynBass |
A7 | SuprHits | C7 | Resonnce | E7 | Brights | G7 | Reso Syn |
A8 | PanSweep | C8 | MultiSBas | E8 | ItoWaves | G8 | GSynBass |
B1 | HeliSynt | D1 | Revelogg | F1 | SynToinc | H1 | AnaSPuls |
B2 | AnaWaves | D2 | DynaSynt | F2 | SynCowbl | H2 | SawwKeys |
B3 | ResoKeys | D3 | ReveKeys | F3 | ItohRise | H3 | HydraLog |
B4 | AnalgSyn | D4 | WireKeys | F4 | FarFlute | H4 | PulsChor |
B5 | ItohWave | D5 | ShooPads | F5 | PanBrite | H5 | Syn2Bass |
B6 | PanSynth | D6 | FethrFlut | F6 | DynaPads | H6 | Syn1Bass |
B7 | Vocasis | D7 | SynSymph | F7 | MedSynBs | H7 | Hyper Q |
B8 | ResoPoly | D8 | FullChor | F8 | Marimba | H8 | DanceDR1 |
"There's plenty to like on Pro-Rec's Supersynth and
Filmscape disks for the SY85, [and] their Dance collection
takes top honors! ...The focus stays tight on Euro/techno
and other electronic dance patches. Buzzing, hard-edged
lead and pad sounds are Dance's strong suit.
...A healthy share of stuff that's perfect for contrasting solo parts.
...Problems are few and hard to find in this collection.
...We love what Pro-Rec did with the percussion kits..."
"Pro-Rec's Dance delivers what it promises - a
comprehensive and frequently exciting arsenal of techno timbres.
If dance grooves are your game, you won't need any other
synthesizer sound source than this."
- Robert L. Doerschuk, Keyboard Magazine
Many thanks for the sounds. I can't believe it only
took about 30 minutes before I had my order!
10 minutes later all sounds transferred to disk and in my synth.
I think that the Filmscape disk is absolutely gorgeous.
There are some very rich sounds on there. I will be purchasing the sample
disks soon to complete a very diverse library of sounds.
Cheers, and keep up these great products.
- SY85 Customer
SY85 Supersynth features a collection of
rich, dynamic and powerful synth sounds
of all types... super hits, leads, pads, basses,
percussive sounds & more!
A1 | PanaPoly | C1 | WaveSynth | E1 | BeefBass | G1 | Pans Rise |
A2 | PulSynth | C2 | CutSynth | E2 | DanceBs4 | G2 | LushPadd |
A3 | HelioKey | C3 | Poincs | E3 | SynStBass | G3 | BandyAahs |
A4 | Resologs | C4 | OBX Pads | E4 | ResonPBs | G4 | Pluxxs |
A5 | Padd Keys | C5 | Toinc Bass | E5 | BiggBass | G5 | SuperMts |
A6 | MatrixPad | C6 | HeliPoly | E6 | HardLead | G6 | Pad Pulse |
A7 | PanaSweep | C7 | BrushAna | E7 | AquaPlBs | G7 | AnaBands |
A8 | Pulse Pad | C8 | Big Pad | E8 | DSynBass | G8 | SynLKey |
B1 | Punch Syn | D1 | Whisp Ito | F1 | HydrKeys | H1 | ItohPads |
B2 | FilSweeps | D2 | RevChoir | F2 | Pulse Tom | H2 | Lent Pads |
B3 | ReveSynt | D3 | Cloud Plk | F3 | HydrHits | H3 | HiloPads |
B4 | Heavy Pad | D4 | Sweepss | F4 | Pulsarrs | H4 | SynSwept |
B5 | Band Keys | D5 | LushChor | F5 | PeliPans | H5 | SfxCrowd |
B6 | ResoRevs | D6 | AnaStrngs | F6 | WarmPPad | H6 | Micro Pad |
B7 | M Strings | D7 | SlowSpan | F7 | BrashKeys | H7 | SoftOohs |
B8 | DynoWave | D8 | Filterrs | F8 | Washes | H8 | DanceDR1 |
SY85 Filmscape features stunning, 3-dimensional
sweeping and dynamic filmtextures, great for
music of all types. Super-original SY85 sounds!
A1 | Itoms | C1 | P Zones | E1 | PleniVibe | G1 | RiverPads |
A2 | Ultrapad | C2 | SoftStrng | E2 | HolloPad | G2 | SlowRPad |
A3 | Wonders | C3 | VocoPlex | E3 | SynPadds | G3 | SoftPad1 |
A4 | Hydrates | C4 | ChoSweep | E4 | Micros | G4 | PanWaves |
A5 | Aquatics | C5 | SawPadds | E5 | Hydrofoam | G5 | Fluteos |
A6 | Planets | C6 | FluteWve | E6 | AnaFalls | G6 | SpaceFlute |
A7 | Plenesis | C7 | Special | E7 | MudySine | G7 | RoomPads |
A8 | Panaters | C8 | Wash Pad | E8 | Sweeps | G8 | Mellooww |
B1 | Congates | D1 | Vocals | F1 | FarString | H1 | Axxes |
B2 | HollowPlk | D2 | Lush Pads | F2 | Hollows | H2 | Risers |
B3 | WatrOohs | D3 | FlutWash | F3 | SlwSweep | H3 | Pitches |
B4 | Osmosis | D4 | Washers | F4 | WaveSqnce | H4 | WaveOohs |
B5 | Fantasia | D5 | Choirs | F5 | Sequents | H5 | SeqWatrs |
B6 | Wavers | D6 | SpecFlut | F6 | SlwChors | H6 | WasheSeq |
B7 | Planetos | D7 | FlyFlute | F7 | PhasePad | H7 | SpaceDig |
B8 | Sequence | D8 | Planars | F8 | Phaserrss | H8 | SpaceDR1 |
SY85 Sample Disks' Patch List:
Super Dance
A1 | SprCalio | C1 | ElstCali | E1 | CaliWave | G1 | Digi Cal |
A2 | Hydratak | C2 | Soft Pad | E2 | CalioRise | G2 | SyncFals |
A3 | PopJuptr | C3 | SftCalio | E3 | PopsLite | G3 | CalDepth |
A4 | AnlgSync | C4 | CalMello | E4 | PanaSync | G4 | Hydra Ld |
A5 | NativDnc | C5 | NativPls | E5 | SyncSynt | G5 | CaliLong |
A6 | APlsBass | C6 | ReveSync | E6 | RevePops | G6 | SprCalio |
A7 | PulsBass | C7 | HitWaves | E7 | AsiaPuls2 | G7 | PanSweep |
A8 | PolyBass | C8 | AqPlsBas | E8 | PopRivrs | G8 | PolyPuls |
B1 | FastMarm | D1 | ElsHydra | F1 | Rez Sync | H1 | WhisprCali |
B2 | CalioFst | D2 | BrteClio | F2 | CalioChif | H2 | CaliSoft |
B3 | ElstPops | D3 | MutePops | F3 | CalWaves | H3 | DreamCal |
B4 | CalioMte | D4 | FastPops | F4 | WveDream | H4 | Transport |
B5 | Pops Mte | D5 | ElastPls | F5 | SuprSync | H5 | SuprSoft |
B6 | PopPlcks | D6 | CallioST | F6 | CalFilter | H6 | FntSweep |
B7 | PulsSync | D7 | HydraBas | F7 | Ah Calio | H7 | SpaceCal |
B8 | ElastSnc | D8 | ElPlsBas | F8 | PulsDnce | H8 | DnceDrms |
Super Synth
A1 | Panadrme | C1 | PolyPlse | E1 | MuteHits | G1 | DnceWave |
A2 | PlntHits | C2 | PanaElst | E2 | PlntLite | G2 | SoftChif |
A3 | FantaBtl | C3 | BrteChif | E3 | LowChiff | G3 | SynWaves |
A4 | Palasynth | C4 | SoftHits | E4 | ElstChif | G4 | SyntSoft |
A5 | PlntChif | C5 | MarimRse | E5 | RevSynth | G5 | Pop Hits |
A6 | PopPlcks | C6 | FullSqre | E6 | FastHits | G6 | RevDrome |
A7 | PnaMarmba | C7 | ElastDrm | E7 | PlstiDrm | G7 | FastSynt |
A8 | DnceBass | C8 | LowDncBas | E8 | ElstiVocal | G8 | PlseBass |
B1 | PolySqre | D1 | ChifPlse | F1 | PlntSoft | H1 | WhsprSyn |
B2 | ElastSyn | D2 | PanaBrte | F2 | HitsKeys | H2 | BotlSoft |
B3 | FastHits | D3 | Fast Hit | F3 | MuteSynt | H3 | DreamBtl |
B4 | DnceMute | D4 | ElastPlk | F4 | MutePlnt | H4 | SlowWves |
B5 | BrtePlnt | D5 | Soft Syn | F5 | SnapMarm | H5 | SuprSoft |
B6 | PneDrmLg | D6 | PlseDnce | F6 | LowDncBs | H6 | ChifSoft |
B7 | BrickBas | D7 | PlstiSyn | F7 | LowVocBas | H7 | Cascades |
B8 | DyVclBas | D8 | ElstiBrk | F8 | PulseBas | H8 | DnceDrms |
Super Pop
A1 | PopWires | C1 | HrdWires | E1 | SoftVoxx | G1 | PulseTom |
A2 | XanaHits | C2 | DncXylos | E2 | AnnaPoly | G2 | AltString |
A3 | PolySynt | C3 | MaleWave | E3 | Pop Hits | G3 | BouncSyn |
A4 | PlseHits | C4 | SyncPBas | E4 | LowSncBs | G4 | SnBubles |
A5 | SuprPoly | C5 | MuteKeys | E5 | SnapPoly | G5 | DncePoly |
A6 | MaltsVox | C6 | Voxx Hit | E6 | Snap Syn | G6 | IndianPl |
A7 | XanaPlck | C7 | MteElstc | E7 | BrshKeys | G7 | BrightLd |
A8 | MalleBas | C8 | PolyBass | E8 | MalleRise | G8 | DnceSynt |
B1 | VoxMutes | D1 | FastPlck | F1 | WhsprVox | H1 | DreamVox |
B2 | ElastDnc | D2 | SoftLtes | F2 | SwepPops | H2 | DynaSweep |
B3 | HeloKeys | D3 | HydraKys | F3 | FastHelo | H3 | DreamStr |
B4 | MutesDnc | D4 | PlastiSyn | F4 | RichVoxx | H4 | SuprLtes |
B5 | DynaLead | D5 | MutePoly | F5 | RepeatBs | H5 | SlowVoxs |
B6 | FastMarm | D6 | PlckPoly | F6 | FastSilo | H6 | SweepVox |
B7 | PulsMBas | D7 | PlseMoog | F7 | PopRvrse | H7 | SoftWave |
B8 | PowrKong | D8 | VoxSynth | F8 | FastVoxx | H8 | DnceDrms |
Super Jupiter
A1 | WireJptr | C1 | JprMutes | E1 | WreBright | G1 | WireWves |
A2 | HydroWvs | C2 | HolwSynth | E2 | WirePads | G2 | FastPads |
A3 | JuptrMlt | C3 | Reverses | E3 | ResBright | G3 | Repeaters |
A4 | JupPdKys | C4 | QuickPls | E4 | ElastiBas | G4 | Key Rpts |
A5 | SynthPls | C5 | FastPlcks | E5 | MalleRise | G5 | MuteSynth |
A6 | SynPlsBs | C6 | ElstiPBas | E6 | FastWire | G6 | SoftWires |
A7 | JDPolyBs | C7 | WreWaves | E7 | WaveSynth | G7 | FarMalts |
A8 | PWMPlsBs | C8 | WireBass | E8 | DncLowBs | G8 | DncPulse |
B1 | SprWires | D1 | BrteHits | F1 | ReversWah | H1 | Fantasy |
B2 | MuteKeys | D2 | PluckWave | F2 | ElastiWavs | H2 | SlowPads |
B3 | ElstiPulse | D3 | Reverevs | F3 | SprPulse | H3 | LightPad |
B4 | FastWves | D4 | Vocoder | F4 | FastWire | H4 | SprSwept |
B5 | WondrPad | D5 | MltPulse | F5 | WreRvrse | H5 | RoomMlts |
B6 | FastWires | D6 | WavePads | F6 | WiresPad | H6 | FarWires |
B7 | WreMalts | D7 | Soft Pad | F7 | HardKeys | H7 | ToneKeys |
B8 | JprPlsBas | D8 | MutePuls | F8 | MalleBas | H8 | DanceDrms |
A1 | MuteWahs | C1 | SynMutes | E1 | ResBright | G1 | ElastiWaves |
A2 | Vox Hits | C2 | HeliSynth | E2 | SoftCallio | G2 | AnaPads |
A3 | SuperSyn | C3 | ReversSyn | E3 | PopBright | G3 | Repeaters |
A4 | DanceRhds | C4 | QuickVox | E4 | ChiffFlute | G4 | WaahRepeats |
A5 | CalioLite | C5 | FastMarim | E5 | Synth Hits | G5 | SynthKeys |
A6 | AnalogBrte | C6 | ElastiBright | E6 | Reso Hit | G6 | MuffleVox |
A7 | SprPckBas | C7 | SynWaves | E7 | WaveSynth | G7 | SynthWaters |
A8 | SprDncBas | C8 | SynMalts | E8 | ElastiBass | G8 | DncHvyBass |
B1 | SuprElec | D1 | HardHits | F1 | PluckWaah | H1 | EarthSynth |
B2 | FastRhdes | D2 | PluckSynth | F2 | ElastiRhdes | H2 | Soft Vox |
B3 | ElastiVoxs | D3 | Reverevs | F3 | VoxPulse | H3 | HeavenPad |
B4 | AnalgWaah | D4 | DistLead | F4 | FastVoxes | H4 | WahSwept |
B5 | SynthPad | D5 | AnaPulse | F5 | PopReverse | H5 | RoomVoxs |
B6 | FastSynth | D6 | DynaPads | F6 | CallioPad | H6 | VoxNites |
B7 | DncLowBas | D7 | Flux Pad | F7 | HardRhodes | H7 | ToneKeys |
B8 | SoftDncBas | D8 | MuteLead | F8 | ResoLead | H8 | DanceDrums |
Ultimate Pop
A1 | SuperPoly | C1 | Pop Mutes | E1 | WavePads | G1 | ElastiPops |
A2 | PanaVox | C2 | Mute Synth | E2 | Soft Poly | G2 | WobWaves |
A3 | SuperMutes | C3 | ReversSyn | E3 | Pop Bright | G3 | Repeaters |
A4 | SynWaves | C4 | SuperSynth | E4 | Hard Poly | G4 | PolyRepeats |
A5 | DynaPops | C5 | Fast Mutes | E5 | SynPlBass | G5 | Mute Keys |
A6 | LoggPads | C6 | ElastiPad | E6 | HvyDncBass | G6 | Soft Marims |
A7 | SprDncBas | C7 | SuperWaves | E7 | WaveSynth | G7 | Pop Pads |
A8 | SynPlsBass | C8 | ChiffMallets | E8 | PlsMuteBass | G8 | LowDncBass |
B1 | Elastics | D1 | Hard Pops | F1 | Logg Pad | H1 | SoftLogs |
B2 | Fast Voxx | D2 | Soft Mutes | F2 | VoxxPulse | H2 | Soft Voxx |
B3 | Marim Soft | D3 | RunningBass | F3 | SuperWave | H3 | Vox Pads |
B4 | SuperChiff | D4 | VoxSynth | F4 | FastVoxes | H4 | SynSwept |
B5 | SynthPad | D5 | Filter Pad | F5 | Pop Reverse | H5 | RoomVoxs |
B6 | MuteWaves | D6 | Soft Voxx | F6 | Syn Waves | H6 | Softest |
B7 | SuperSlap | D7 | Poly Pad | F7 | MutePluck | H7 | Far Pads |
B8 | Metal Bass | D8 | Super Poly 2 | F8 | PulseLowBs | H8 | DanceDrums |
Analog Synths
A1 | OB Poly | C1 | PolyMtes | E1 | WreBrght | G1 | Multies |
A2 | BriliWrs | C2 | Hydratic | E2 | Wonders | G2 | DynaPoly |
A3 | MStrings | C3 | ReveWire | E3 | ResBrite | G3 | Repeatrs |
A4 | AnlgKeys | C4 | QuickPly | E4 | ElastVoco | G4 | KeyRepts |
A5 | MoogPlks | C5 | FastMoog | E5 | PolyRise | G5 | MutePlks |
A6 | PolyPlks | C6 | ElstiPBs | E6 | IndianLw | G6 | StrgPads |
A7 | VocoBass | C7 | FilterBs | E7 | WavePoly | G7 | FarMoogs |
A8 | SynthPls | C8 | IndianBs | E8 | DnceLowBs | G8 | VocoPlse |
B1 | WurliDnc | D1 | BrteHits | F1 | RevrsWah | H1 | FantaPad |
B2 | MuteKeys | D2 | PluckWve | F2 | ElastWres | H2 | SlowWires |
B3 | MiniPlks | D3 | HydrPoly | F3 | FastKeys | H3 | MutePads |
B4 | FastPoly | D4 | Rough Ld | F4 | Filterrs | H4 | PolySwep |
B5 | PolyPads | D5 | IndianPl | F5 | ReveStrg | H5 | RoomStrs |
B6 | FastWres | D6 | WavePads | F6 | SlowStrg | H6 | FarPolys |
B7 | Elastics | D7 | WatrPoly | F7 | PlukLead | H7 | LongWres |
B8 | IndianPlks | D8 | LowMoogs | F8 | AnlgLwBs | H8 | DnceDrms |
B3 Organs
A1 | FullB3Slow | A5 | Soft B3 Slow | B1 | Pluck S3 1 | B5 | Deep B3 |
A2 | FullB3Fast | A6 | Soft B3 Fast | B2 | Pluck S3 2 | B6 | B3SlowLong |
A3 | B3 Wave 1 | A7 | Soft Wave 1 | B3 | Pluck B3 1 | B7 | B3FastLong |
A4 | B3 Wave 2 | A8 | Soft Wave 2 | B4 | Pluck B3 2 | B8 | Wave2Long |
Acoustic Strings
A1 | AcString1 | A5 | Staccato | B1 | BrightStr 1 | B5 | DpSymph 1 |
A2 | AcString2 | A6 | Soft String 1 | B2 | BrightStr 2 | B6 | DpSymph 2 |
A3 | AcString3 | A7 | Soft String 2 | B3 | BrightStr 3 | B7 | Wave1Long |
A4 | AcString4 | A8 | Soft String 3 | B4 | Brt Stacc | B8 | Wave2Long |
Synth Vox & Choir
A1 | Choir 1 | A5 | Syn Vox 3 | B1 | Voxx Pad 1 | B5 | Bright Vox |
A2 | Choir 2 | A6 | Soft Choir 1 | B2 | Voxx Pad 2 | B6 | Mute Choir |
A3 | Syn Vox 1 | A7 | Soft Choir 2 | B3 | Choir Pad | B7 | Sweep Vox 1 |
A4 | Syn Vox 2 | A8 | Soft Vox 1 | B4 | Deep Choir | B8 | Sweep Vox 2 |
Piano 1
A1 | AcstcPiano1 | B1 | SimpleAcstc |
A2 | AcstcPiano2 | B2 | ElasticGrand |
A3 | GrandPiano | B3 | Pluck Piano |
A4 | PianoSoft1 | B4 | PianoSoft2 |
A5 | Fast Piano | B5 | Fast Rock |
A6 | Piano Pad 1 | B6 | Simple Grand |
A7 | Piano Pad 2 | B7 | BrtPiano1 |
A8 | Piano Pad 3 | B8 | BrtPiano2 |
Piano 2
A1 | AcstcPiano4 | B1 | Fast Rock |
A2 | AcstcPiano5 | B2 | Ana Pluck |
A3 | AcstcPiano6 | B3 | Pluck Piano |
A4 | AnalogPiano | B4 | SimplePiano1 |
A5 | Fast Piano | B5 | SimplePiano2 |
A6 | Piano Pad 1 | B6 | SimplePiano3 |
A7 | Piano Pad 2 | B7 | BrightPiano1 |
A8 | Piano Pad 3 | B8 | BrightPiano2 |
Piano Mix 1
A1 | PopPiano | B5 | Elastic Pop |
A2 | PowerPiano | B6 | Pop Hits |
A3 | JupiterPno | B7 | Soft Waves |
A4 | BrightAcstc | B8 | Bright Piano |
A5 | Fast Piano | C1 | Reverse Jup |
A6 | Jupiter Soft | C2 | Whisper Juptr |
A7 | Soft Pop | C3 | Rich Pop |
A8 | Piano Strings | C4 | Jupiter Pads |
B1 | OldFastPiano | C5 | Pop Softs |
B2 | ElasticJuptr | C6 | Pop Pads |
B3 | PluckAcstcs | C7 | Slow Pads |
B4 | PianoSoft | C8 | Super Jupiter |
Piano Mix 2
A1 | GrandLight | B5 | Elastic Vocal |
A2 | VocalPiano | B6 | Bright Hits |
A3 | Rich Acoustic | B7 | Soft Keys |
A4 | Soft Grand | B8 | Bright Vocals |
A5 | Fast Piano | C1 | Reverse Vocal |
A6 | Piano Strings | C2 | Whisper String |
A7 | Soft Vocal | C3 | Rich Vocals |
A8 | Bright Strings | C4 | Grand Softs |
B1 | SimpleAcoustic | C5 | Piano Softs |
B2 | Elastic Grand | C6 | Vocal Pads |
B3 | Pluck Vocal | C7 | Slow Vocal |
B4 | Piano Pad | C8 | Super Waves |
Electronic Dance 1
Electronic Dance 2
Electronic Dance 3
808 Dance
909 Dance
Super Rap Kit 1
Super Rap Kit 2
90's House Kit 1
90's House Kit 2
90's House Kit 3
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synth sounds
have been top rated in "Keyboard,"
"Electronic Musician," "Recording Magazine,"
"Korg Connection," "Triton Haven,"
Haven," "Sound on Sound UK,"
"FutureMusic", and many more.
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Tiburon, CA 94920 U.S.A.
us!: sounds@pro-rec.com
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©2006 Pro-Rec,
Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Best Synth Sounds for Musicians Around the World!
We've Been #1 in Synth Sounds in the World for Over 15 Years!
Be sure to web order, call, mail, or fax us with your order today!