Pro-Rec's Synth
Sound Cards & Disks for
the Korg Wavestation
& Wavestation Legacy Soft Synth

Here's information on our sounds
for the Korg Wavestation compatibles!

Our synth sounds have been TOP RATED
in "Keyboard," "Electronic Musician," "Recording,"
"Korg Connection," "Sound on Sound UK,"
"FutureMusic UK" & many more!

We can email these files right to you!

PRO-REC Wavestation SOUNDS

Pro-Rec offers nine complete banks for the Korg Wavestation,
with 50 high quality performance, 35 patches, and 32
wavesequences per bank. Our Wavestation sounds
have been given the best reviews anywhere on any Wavestation library,
TOP RATED in "Korg Connection" newsletter (see top reviews below)!

Titles Pro-Rec Offers for the Korg Wavestation:
Super WaveDance
Power WaveSynth
EX Super Pop/Dance
EX Pop Collection
AD Pop/Dance
AD Filmtexture

Wavestation Disk Prices:

Mac or PC Email: $39.90 Each
Bulk Special: Get All 9 Wavestation Program Disks, JUST $149!
Floppy Disks: (Same)


We can email these sounds to you!

Mac, PC formats available
complete with downloader
software and basic instructions.




If you're looking for classic analog sounds mixed
with today's bright digital stuff, these collections
won't let you down... Mixing really cool analog
sounds with wavesequences... The EX Pop
Collection & AD Pop/Dance banks rank somewhere
between four and five stars! (5 out of 5 is a perfect rating).
If you're doing pop music, the AD Pop/Dance
collection belongs in your Wavestation. There are
definitely some sounds in each bank that make it
into my permanent collection. Pro-Rec continues to
produce consistently excellent sound programming.

Check out Korg's quotable on our sounds,
coming from Korg management, itself...:

"Play and enjoy the sounds - they're really quite good!!"
- Jerry Kovarsky Korg Keyboard and Recording Product Manager, Korg USA

Korg management's comments on our company, Pro-Rec:
"Pro-Rec is a fine and reputable company who has been providing valuable sound support for Korg products for ten years now. There aren't many third party companies left anymore making new sounds to enhance your use of your instruments - they provide a good and valuable service to all of us!"
- Jerry Kovarsky Korg Keyboard and Recording Product Manager, Korg USA

Super WaveDance features powerful, wavesequencing
dance and synth grooves... a superb collection of rich analog
and modern dance, pop, and synth sounds for your Wavestation.
Highly recommended!

Patch Names:

0 UltraMotion 10 Hydraphone. 20 Digital Symph 30 Multi Synth 40 Ultimotion
1 Hydra Synth 11 Padra Synth 21 SuperQuadraPoly 31 WS Stab Bass 41 Power Saw
2 Quadra Hit 12 Elemental. 22 Hydra Resowave 32 Hydra Layer 42 Quadra Split
3 Hyper Poly 13 Hyper Synth 23 Panavocal 33 Synth Multihorn 43 Synth Time
4 Poly Brightwave 14 WS Synth Split 24 SuperDanceSplit 34 Digiattack 44 Ultrabright
5 Super Bass Wave 15 HyperMarimSynth 25 Synth Bright 35 Supra Horn 45 Quadra Hit
6 Bright Analog 16 Anasynth Stab 26 Ultra Poly Wave 36 Cyclotron 46 Helio Tones
7 Jupiter Wave 17 Poly Tri Pad 27 CrossoverAnalog 37 SuperQSound 47 Quadrawave
8 Jupiter Wave 18 Rich Helio Poly 28 BrightSynthwave 38 Hydra Bells 48 Synth Multiple
8 Super Analog 18 28 BrightSynthwave 38 Hydra Bells 48 Synth Multiple
9 Super Analog 19 EP Tripad 29 Jupiter Split 39 Hydramotion 49 Hyper Night

0 Quadra Poly 7 Voice Ultrapad 14 WS Synth Poly 21 WS QuadraBass 28 Reso Bass Wave
1 Jupiter Keys 8 Heli Voice 15 OrchestWave 22 Super Analog 29 Super Syn Bass
2 Quadra Synth 9 Panasynth 16 PWM Tripad 23 WS Fast Synth 30 Poly Bright
3 Super Saw 10 PWM Synth Pad 17 Poly Tri Saw 24 SuperQWave 31 Double Horn
4 PWMSuperString 11 Panavoice 18 Helio Poly 25 MultiSequence 32 Marim Pad
5 Hydra Synth 12 Ultima Synth 19 Super Poly Wave 26 Poly Voice 33 QuadraResoSyn
6 WS Hydra Pad 13 Poly Saw Synth 20 Poly Tron 27 Spr Pulse Bass 34 SuperXPad

0 HeliPipe 4 PWMWve 8 HydrWav 12 AliaBas 16 PWMEnv 20 Octave 24 WSynth 28 Clavoce
1 PolyWav 5 QuadrBs 9 VoceKey 13 SynthWS 17 QdrFunk 21 Panaton 25 Aliabas 29 PulseWv
2 Marim 6 WS PWM 10 MrmWave 14 MiniKey 18 KingVib 22 SynEnv 26 MltiTon 30 QuadrJm
3 SynXpad 7 Nitesnd 11 SynPad 15 SprAnlg 19 BassWav 23 QdrPuls 27 Alattac 31 HeliWav

Utratexture features supertextured synth and analog
sounds... light ethereal, expressive analog and digital
synth textures, pads, strings and more... perfect for
expressive, ultra-textured wavesequencing!

Patch Names:

0 Quadraphonic. 10 Hydrasound 20 Night Symphony 30 Hydra Dream 40 Ultimawave
1 Hyper Light 11 Intelliweave 21 Jupiter XWeave 31 Hyper Night 41 Super Nightwave
2 Vocal Synthesis 12 PrphtSequential 22 Quadralight & H 32 Hyper Glass 42 Analog Lightmix
3 Padra Wavelight 13 HelioHydralight 23 Jupiter Dream 33 Jupiter X Pad 43 WS Night Phase
4 TriTexture 14 Poly Cross X 24 Jupiter X Wave 34 WS Quadrasound 44 Hydrasound Lite
5 Symph Envelope 15 HyperGlassSplit 25 Ultraweave 35 Digital Q Wave 45 Light Symphony
6 UltraDreamnight 16 Bright Layers 26 Quadra Mix. 36 Quasi Split 46 Intellitrack
7 RainforestStrng 17 Quadrawave Pad 27 Movie Track 37 Intellipad 47 Heaven's Light
8 Analog Touch 18 Hydra Express 28 Analog Phase 38 Super SynString 48 Symphonic Sound
9 Intelli Split 19 Poly Tonal 29 Heaven Voice 39 Multi Heaven 49 Starry Night

0 WS Light Waves 7 Double Symph 14 Poly WS Synth 21 WS Dual Bass 28 Quadralight
1 Heaven Voice 8 Jupiter Track 15 Sequesymph 22 Super Synthtext 29 Super Pluck
2 Quadra Light 9 Vocalese 16 PWM Triwave 23 Light Breath 30 Ultra Synthpad
3 Light Synth 10 Dream Wave 17 Mystery Pad 24 TextureWave 31 Midnight Pad
4 Ultra Wave 11 Midnight String 18 Quasi Elemental 25 Intellipad 32 JupiterXPad
5 Quadra Sound 12 Seqnce Symphony 19 Poly Night 26 IntelliVoice 33 QuadraLightpad
6 WS Sequence Pad 13 Synthesis 20 Texture Mix 27 Hydratron 34 Hyper Syn Pad

0 HeliNot 4 PWMWve 8 HydrWav 12 AliaBas 16 PWMEnv 20 Octave 24 WSynth 28 Suprsyn
1 VoceEnv 5 Basstme 9 VoceKey 13 Elekeys 17 Platune 21 Panaton 25 Aliabas 29 HelioWv
2 MltiMrm 6 WS PWM 10 MrmWave 14 MiniKey 18 Vibratn 22 SynEnv 26 MltiQua 30 QuadrSn
3 SynXpad 7 SynRpt 11 SynPad 15 SprAnlg 19 VoceWav 23 QdrPuls 27 Wavetac 31 HeliWav

Soundbrush features beautiful, room-filling light
synth textures and wavesequencing sounds.
With rich, layered textures and super background sounds,
Soundbrush is perfect for fimtracks or background music!

Patch Names:

0 Super Airvoice 10 Padravoices 20 Ultraresilience 30 Wonder Glass 40 Protosound
1 Hydra Airwaves 11 Calliolight 21 Silent Night 31 Aqua Voices 41 Panamotion
2 UltracleanSynth 12 Aqua Chorus 22 Hydra Reverse 32 Wonderlight 42 Night Voice
3 Power Surround 13 Supra Motion 23 WS Hydra Light 33 Emimetic Poly 43 Wonder Night
4 Analog Waves 14 Panalight Wave 24 Hyper Blow Voce 34 Wonderbrush 44 Windy Night
5 Hydra Night 15 Ultra X Vox 25 Xanaphone. 35 Surround X Wave 45 Surround Voices
6 Pana Breath 16 Helio Wavenight 26 Ultrabell Synth 36 Hydra Motion 46 Wonder Element
7 Super Light EP 17 Crystaline 27 Hydratexture 37 Panawaves 47 Hydroform
8 Poly Heaven 18 Super Keys 28 Super Voice 38 Silent Motion 48 Wave Envelope
9 Twilight Waves 19 Night Voice 29 Percinight 39 Quadralight 49 Quadrabrush

0 Light Keys 7 Helio Motion 14 March Strings 21 Padrasoft. 28 Night Vox
1 Pro Night Sine 8 Hydra Reverse 15 Super Voice 22 Hydratone 29 PerciVoice
2 Padra Light 9 Ultralight 16 Voice Strings 23 Ultraclear 30 Analog Surround
3 Light Brush 10 Hollow Night 17 Hyper Night 24 Helio Waves 31 Solo Night
4 Ultra Voicewave 11 Panavoice 18 Analog Wave 25 Ultra WX Synth 32 Hydra Synth
5 Aqua String 12 Mega Sound 19 Silent Keys 26 Super Airvox 33 Silent Waves
6 Hyper Quiet 13 Calliovoice 20 Wave X Pad 27 Analog Waves 34 Ultra Lightwave

0 MegaSyn 4 PWMGlas 8 UltraLt 12 AliaBas 16 PWMSyn 20 GlasPWM 24 WXSynth 28 Percsyn
1 HlwVoce 5 Bassnte 9 HyprGls 13 Synergz 17 RevrsWv 21 QdrSyn 25 Aliasyn 29 HelioVx
2 MrmWve 6 SynWav 10 MrmWave 14 UltraXs 18 WndrKey 22 HprBotl 26 EliaWav 30 QuadrWv
3 SynXpad 7 HyperBs 11 SuprSne 15 PercWav 19 VoceWav 23 HelioSn 27 Supertk 31 RevWav

Power WaveSynth offers very punchy, rich and
powerful analog, dance and synth sounds...
featuring super digital and analog style synth hits,
leads, basses, pads and more!
Originally our best selling bank. Top quality sounds!

Patch Names:

0 Hydra Analog 10 Poly Airvox 20 Motion Texture 30 Quadra Sequence 40 Megasequestring
1 Ultrabright 11 Calliosynth 21 Poly Vocal Pad 31 Ultravoice 41 Emotion Pad
2 Super RichSynth 12 WS Hydrasynth 22 Super Square X 32 Super X Wave 42 Analog Split
3 Megasequential 13 Hydra Wave Pad 23 Ultralight Sync 33 SequenceSurrnd 43 Analog Waves
4 Rich Padrasynth 14 Paleosynth 24 Ultrasynth Bass 34 Supra Voice 44 Quadra X Pad
5 Poly Triton 15 Ultra AnalogHit 25 Poly Synthbass 35 Hydrasynth 45 WS Ultrabrush
6 Supra Voice 16 Paleomatic. 26 Paleosequence 36 Helio X Wave 46 Multiwave Pad
7 Quadra X Synth 17 Heaven Voice 27 Super Q Percs 37 Ultimasynkeys 47 Quadra Helipad
8 Super Analog Syn 18 Super E Keys 28 WS Mega Synth 38 SuperBellsynth 48 Super Poly Pad
9 Super Hydratone 19 Poly SyncWave 29 SuperSynthsplit 39 Quadra Motion 49 Emimetic Night

0 Super Analog 7 Supra Voice 14 Rolling E Keys 21 Poly Synth Bass 28 Hydrasynth
1 Superstring 8 Super Square X 15 Super Airvox 22 Super Wave Hit 29 ClavicrossKeys
2 UltimaPercsyn 9 Poly Syncwave 16 Quadrawave 23 Super Mega Pad 30 Megasequential
3 Hypersynth 10 Ultrastring 17 WS Wave Pad 24 SuperQPerc 31 Helio Bass
4 Rich Syn Strings 11 VoiceTexture 18 Ultra WS Synth 25 Poly Triton 32 QuadraXSynth
5 Suprasound 12 Rich Glass Keys 19 Paleotronic 26 WS Voice Synth 33 Rich Wavesynth
6 Super Rich Pad 13 Calliosynth 20 QuadraSequence 27 UltimasynKeys 34 Super Pulse Pad

Filmscape features sweeping, dynamic 3-dimensional
film and ambient, sounds, perfect for film soundtracks
and scores needing original sounds, many with dynamic
wavesequencing. Top rated in "Korg Connection,"
our most popular film & textured WS bank.

Patch Names:

0 Radio Nights 10 Voxx Risers 20 Tronnixx 30 Night Softs 40 Phase Tronnix
1 Voxxxes 11 Vocates 21 Sequents 31 Spectral Whisps 41 Rotor Pulses
2 Transients 12 Wave Blowers 22 Telesonics 32 Tremm Padds 42 X Scapes
3 Panates 13 Vocal Runners 23 Space Flutes 33 Sloww Voces 43 Pania Runners
4 Sonniccs 14 Pulssars 24 Glass Waters 34 Night Quests 44 Indian Attacks
5 Indian Voxxes 15 Sine Soffts 25 Spectral Vox 35 Multopanners 45 Voxx Hollows
6 New AgeChorals 16 Bottle Soffts 26 Night Chorals 36 Whisper Whips 46 Tremmorrs
7 Water Wavers 17 Airsequence 27 Night Runners 37 World Strings 47 Wind Blowers
8 Vocanates 18 Aqua Vocals 28 Voxx Waters 38 Telepathics 48 SpaceSequence
9 Pania Chorus 19 Pania Flyers 29 Air Bubbles 39 Multoses 49 Night Chorus

EX Super Pop/Dance offers powerful digital and
analog synth, dance and pop sounds of all types
for your WS EX, AD or SR! Super basses, dynamic
hits, rich keys, & much more! Great Wavestation sounds!

Patch Names:

0 DynaChiffs! 10 Bright SynStrin 20 AirVoice Synth 30 Poly 5th String 40 Wonder Pads
1 Super Plucks 11 MetalliPops 21 Hydra Layers 31 PhaseSequential 41 Phase Dances
2 ElastiVox 12 Voxx Warblers 22 Padds Mixx 32 Ultimate Voxxes 42 Mutes VoxPops
3 Anna Synth Hits 13 Mutes Vox Pads 23 Pop Reverses 33 PWM StringMixx 43 SpacialSequence
4 Synth Pops 14 Wires Lights 24 Marim Plexus 34 AnaSynth Bass 44 SynthAttack
5 MetalliChiffs 15 DynaPulses 25 PlexaVoxxes 35 Low Synth Bass 45 Ultra PhasePads
6 ElastiSynth 16 Bottle Hits 26 Percc Choirs 36 Poly Wire Bass 46 Pop Air Voxes
7 PanaSynth Hit 17 Piano Strings 27 Hydra Splitt 37 MegaSyn Bass 47 PanaSequentials
8 SupraPop Voxes 18 Dance Sequences 28 PWM Mixx Split 38 Super PadSweeps 48 Space Padds
9 Wires Dances 19 SuperVox Keys 29 Dyna Vox Mixx 39 Pad Pianos 49 MegaSymphony

EX Pop Collection features super pop & powerful
dance sounds - dynamic synth hits, rich dance basses,
great keys & pads and more... given between 4 & 5
stars rating by "Korg Connection,"
one of our best selling WS banks!

Patch Names:

0 Super Chiffs 10 Smooth Pop Hits 20 Pop Phase Hits 30 PanaSynth 40 Running Strings
1 PanaSynth Waves 11 Full PanaSynth 21 Super PulseBass 31 Pop Velocity 41 WonderSynth Mix
2 Super Pop Piano 12 Kalim Brights 22 Hammer SynthBs 32 Voxx Piano 42 Bright Voxx Hit
3 Syn VocoPluck 13 Kalimba Pops 23 MetalliPop Bass 33 Synth Split 43 Piano VocoPluck
4 Super Pop Keys 14 Soft Pulse Voxx 24 Helio HammerBs 34 Dance Velocity 44 Perc Padds
5 Elasticcs! 15 Keyys Velocity 25 Strings Dance 35 Brass Analog 45 DynaSweeps
6 HydraSynth 16 Multiple Hits 26 Pop Perccs 36 Hydra Pulses 46 Marim SynPads
7 DynaSynth Keys 17 Poly Key Pads 27 Phase Dances 37 Transport Pads 47 String X
8 Pop Flute Chiff 18 Kalim Padds 28 Breath Synths 38 MetalliResos 48 SequeSweeps
9 PanaSynth Hit 19 Bright Mixx 29 Voxx Layers 39 Keyy Pads Soft 49 Midnight Voxxes

AD Pop/Dance offers dynamic & powerful digital
and analog synth hits, punchy dance basses, rich
percussive sounds & pads and much more.
Dynamic, heavy-hitting dance and pop sounds,
given between 4 & 5 stars rating by "Korg Connection,"
our best selling WS Dance bank!

Patch Names:

0 Dance Squares 10 Glass Flutes 20 DynaSynths 30 ElastiPopps 40 Popps Phases
1 Synth Waves 11 Panates 21 Feather Vox 31 VelociDance 41 Dance Waves
2 Hydratic PWM 12 Sticky Waves 22 Pana Waves 32 Pana Tones 42 Popps Split
3 Saww Keyys 13 Synth Piano 23 Super PWM 33 Aliabasses 43 Phase Metals
4 Synth Hits 14 PanaLites 24 Rich Aquatics 34 Dance Waves 44 Glassy Padds
5 Aqua Synths 15 AnaDance Keys 25 Panadance 35 DigiBass 45 Voxx Mixx
6 Pana Chiff 16 Pop Percs 26 Dance Mixx 36 Dance Bass 46 Dance Voxxes
7 Dyna Keys 17 Emetic Pops 27 PWM Mixx 37 Pulse Bass 47 VeloceSplit
8 PanaPads 18 PeliToincs 28 Super Phase 38 Metal Bass 48 Synth Waters
9 Penna Percs 19 PercStrings 29 Synth Popps 39 VelociDance 49 Flying Voxes

AD Filmtexture features dynamic, 3-dimensional
and super original wavesequencing film sounds,
great for film scores or just great original sounds
to add to your music. Top quality Wavestation sounds!

Patch Names:

0 PlanetaryPWMs 10 Water Flutes 20 Phase AirVoxes 30 World Mixx 40 PanaVocals
1 Indian Planets 11 Reverse Waters 21 Quadra Airs 31 Ultimate Planet 41 Flute Nights
2 AquaStrings 12 VoxxSurround 22 PhaseoSweeps 32 Magic Ports 42 Tinates
3 Fluteosis 13 Voquasis 23 Padd Strings 33 Theoscope 43 Super Softs
4 Water Pads 14 FarAway Flutes 24 Sofft Bubbles 34 Flute Padds 44 Vocal Beach
5 Rise Voxxes 15 WindSwept 25 Wavess 35 Choral Dynamics 45 Symph Washes
6 Pana Softs 16 Voice Bubbles 26 Ultimate String 36 Padd Sweeps 46 Night Winds
7 Planetarry 17 Vox Sequentials 27 SoftRisers 37 PWM Dreams 47 PanaSoffts
8 Choral Waves 18 Sofffts 28 ChoraScape 38 Soft PaddString 48 ChorlSurround
9 Rising Padds 19 MetalliPads 29 Pulsators 39 Water Waves 49 Night Weaves

We can email these sounds to you!



Click on these boxes
for more info on our products:

Pro-Rec offers high quality sounds and
samples for almost every synth and sampler
to musicians all around the world!

Synth Pic


And get your synths and other hardware from:

Synth Pic

Our CD-ROMs and synth sounds
have been top rated in "Keyboard,"
"Electronic Musician," "Recording Magazine,"
"Korg Connection," "Triton Haven,"
"Trinity Haven," "Sound on Sound UK,"
"FutureMusic", and many more.

PO Box 633
Tiburon, CA 94920 U.S.A.

email us!: sounds@pro-rec.com
phone: No phone until iPhone! (Email us!) *we prefer email
fax: (801) 409-7534

©2006 Pro-Rec, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Best Synth Sounds for Musicians Around the World!
We've Been #1 in Synth Sounds in the World for Over 15 Years!
Be sure to web order, call, mail, or fax us with your order today!


Synth Pic