Requesting a Catalog from Pro-Rec!

To request a catalog of our products,

Just email us atsounds@pro-rec.com, or
call us at No phone until iPhone! (Email!),
us at (801) 409-7534,
or mail us at the address below.

Be sure to include:

Your complete name
Your full address
Your phone number name
And the models of the synths &
samplers you're interested in sounds for

...and we'll be glad to send you a complete catalog today!
Thanks for checking out our web site!
We hope you'll order from us very soon!

Click on these boxes
for more info on our products:

Pro-Rec offers high quality sounds and
samples for almost every synth and sampler
to musicians all around the world!

Synth Pic


And get your synths and other hardware from:

Synth Pic

Our CD-ROMs and synth sounds
have been top rated in "Keyboard,"
"Electronic Musician," "Recording Magazine,"
"Korg Connection," "Triton Haven,"
"Trinity Haven," "Sound on Sound UK,"
"FutureMusic", and many more.

PO Box 633
Tiburon, CA 94920 U.S.A.

email us!: sounds@pro-rec.com
phone: No phone until iPhone! (Email us!) *we prefer email
fax: (801) 409-7534

©2006 Pro-Rec, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Best Synth Sounds for Musicians Around the World!
We've Been #1 in Synth Sounds in the World for Over 15 Years!
Be sure to web order, call, mail, or fax us with your order today!


Synth Pic