Our Roland Fantom
sounds are now here!
We can email these sounds to you, the same day!
Titles Pro-Rec Offers for the Roland Fantom:
1 Dance (NOW HERE!)
2 Tech/Synth (NOW HERE!)
3 New Age (NOW HERE!)
4 4-D Film (NOW HERE!)
Special: Get all 4 banks for just $129...
We can send you the titles by email the same day!
Fantom Disk Prices: |
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Free sounds from each of our Fantom disks!
Simply format a disk on your Fantom, download the SVD file,
copy it to the disk, and load in your Fantom.
It's that easy!
Click here for a free demo
of our Fantom
Fantom Library.
Dance is filled with tons of fat, punchy, dynamic, cool synths, hits,
leads, pads, basses, percussive sounds, synth fx, stabs and much more,
with all arpeggios programmed for maximum playability.
Perfect for Dance, Techno, R&B, Rap and
much more! Transform your Fantom.
Patch Names:
001 | Dance Legends | 033 | Oxo Metali Bs | 065 | SRX Plick SR | 097 | Choral Vox SX |
002 | Fantom Stacks | 034 | Pole Zong SR | 066 | Sticky Sucka | 098 | TX Rhythmixx |
003 | Scitex Leads | 035 | SP Strings Pd | 067 | Peletane XRS | 099 | Pulse Zon Bs |
004 | RhythmiX Bs | 036 | Bell Cypher | 068 | SR Porta Log | 100 | SX Polartech |
005 | JS Pons Bass | 037 | Xonor Far Ld | 069 | Portal FX Bs | 101 | Pong Drivers |
006 | Panaton Chiff | 038 | SRX Pannatix | 070 | Mini Gio Ld | 102 | Spec Cutter SX |
007 | SRX Rotovox | 039 | Rhythmix QS | 071 | MRX Ah Cutters | 103 | Pana Plixx XS |
008 | Panasynth RS | 040 | JX Hard Bass | 072 | Pons Spec Bs | 104 | Porto Cut Bs |
009 | Pons Punch Bs | 041 | Zone Cuts SRX | 073 | Electrixx MR | 105 | PS PanPulser |
010 | Pan Xenome SX | 042 | SR Paddle Bs | 074 | JP Rhythm Bs | 106 | Big Syn XRS |
011 | Oxo Pulser XR | 043 | Pan Metals SR | 075 | Z Zone QRS | 107 | Tiny Toincs |
012 | Guff Synners | 044 | Fantom Pluck Bs | 076 | Cutter PRSX | 108 | MS Pad Mutes |
013 | SRX Blip MX | 045 | Rhythmix Bs MS | 077 | Electronix SX | 109 | Pan Asian SR |
014 | Pan S5 Saws | 046 | Disco Bs PSX | 078 | Bell Trans Bs | 110 | Slicer RS Bs |
015 | Polestar SRX | 047 | Spy Hollow Bs | 079 | Spec XRV Ld | 111 | XRS Comings |
016 | Zigglar Tones | 048 | JPX Pad Warm | 080 | Pan Vocals SR | 112 | Cutter XRS |
017 | Pamatrix ST | 049 | Blink Bass SR | 081 | Zig MX Slips | 113 | Stack Syns |
018 | PX Panattax | 050 | SP Strings 2 | 082 | Bell SRX Bs | 114 | TX Pole Star |
019 | Telementals | 051 | Parta Pluck | 083 | Choralis XRS | 115 | X Wave Scans |
020 | Sonor Wires SR | 052 | Cut XR Bass | 084 | Vox Chiff RS | 116 | XR Spanners |
021 | Tone Pons Bs | 053 | Slippery Zip | 085 | Pana Wires SX | 117 | SR Pole Trax |
022 | Plug XR Bass | 054 | Polar Tech RS | 086 | Oxo Indian XR | 118 | XRV Tonal RS |
023 | Q Stabs RSX | 055 | Ooh Portals SR | 087 | Y Wavicles XR | 119 | Tribal Dance |
024 | Saw P5 XRS | 056 | Motion Panner | 088 | Tech Pons Bs | 120 | Vex Attaxxx |
025 | Q Stabs RSX | 057 | Q Pons Lead | 089 | Z Motiv Bs | 121 | SR Paralax |
026 | EML Pons Bs | 058 | EML Bounce Bs | 090 | Pulsatron XR | 122 | Metalist SRX |
027 | Zones Pons | 059 | Syn SR Bass | 091 | Fantom Opera | 123 | EML Squidge Bs |
028 | Zing Zang GS | 060 | Gemini SR Pad | 092 | Rip Bow Bass | 124 | Dance FX Bs |
029 | Fantom Pan SR | 061 | SRX Pons Pan | 093 | Zip Zepper MX | 125 | Vorx Tones |
030 | Syn XR Bass | 062 | Cross PRS Bs | 094 | Syn Helio Bass | 126 | SRX Tronnica |
031 | PRS Tonnates | 063 | Bell Chiff XS | 095 | SR Bass Runner | 127 | Electrixx MR |
032 | Metalistab SR | 064 | X Pluck Bass | 096 | Pan Trobes FX | 128 | SRX Tonnix |
01 | Pulse XRSX | 33 | Vox Pumper SX |
02 | Dance Station | 34 | SR Tonnicca |
03 | DZ Drive By | 35 | Power Stacks |
04 | SX Tribals XR | 36 | Technical Mix |
05 | Tronnix Zoner | 37 | Hypno Stasis |
06 | EML Dance SX | 38 | Ping Ponger |
07 | Tech Trobes | 39 | SR Mellows SX |
08 | XS Syn Waves | 40 | Voculator RSX |
09 | SX Ooh Techs | 41 | Bright Synths |
10 | XS Polar Tech | 42 | Cut XR Mix |
11 | Tribal Dance | 43 | XP Faroff Zone |
12 | Tech Spanner | 44 | RS TeleProbe |
13 | Pulse Attaxx | 45 | XRS Technique |
14 | Electrixx NS | 46 | Mellow Zoner |
15 | Bell Tronnix | 47 | XS Chorx Wave |
16 | Technical Zone | 48 | EX Slicer SX |
17 | Major Cutter | 49 | RSX Sweepers |
18 | TX Traveller | 50 | Drunken Pattern |
19 | Pluck Runners | 51 | Q Pons Mix |
20 | X Wavicles | 52 | XR Paglaters |
21 | Synth Worlds | 53 | XR Home Stasis |
22 | Tronnix Zoner | 54 | Pantel Pons |
23 | Spec Ponner | 55 | Vibe Pannatix |
24 | Pole Attractor | 56 | SRX Traxxx |
25 | Technotrobe | 57 | Zap Slippers |
26 | Xonor Beats | 58 | Pan Stickles |
27 | SX Polations | 59 | XS TribeTalk |
28 | XRP Crashers | 60 | Panamia Mix |
29 | Tri Flyer RS | 61 | PanaVisions |
30 | SR Motioner | 62 | SX Rhythm Cut |
31 | IndianSRHere | 63 | Dance Riders |
32 | Rhythmix SRX | 64 | XRS Particles |
01 | Dance Kit |
Tech/Synth is filled with tons of cool, original technical synth
hits, leads, pads, basses, percussive sounds, synth FX, pulsating synths,
powerful stabs and much more, with all arpeggios programmed for
maximum usability. Perfect for Dance, Techno, R&B, Rap and much more!
Recommended BPM: 136
Patch Names:
001 | XTechDisplay | 033 | Control XR Bass | 065 | XLR Locators | 097 | Tech Chain SFX |
002 | JP Pannatixx | 034 | XR Tech Tronix | 066 | RS Pallattaxx | 098 | Bell Centrals |
003 | XS Particles | 035 | JP Rich String | 067 | Re-Cyclicers | 099 | SR Metal Cut |
004 | XR Polaters | 036 | XRS Waverers | 068 | Q Hypnotics | 100 | LX Tonnicker |
005 | Techno Trance | 037 | JP Raw Saws | 069 | LX Widget Bs | 101 | Drum Parallax |
006 | HX Tribal Syn | 038 | JP Choralus | 070 | SX Breath RS | 102 | XR Contagion |
007 | EX Terra Vox | 039 | Techno Swish | 071 | Rip Pulse XR | 103 | XP Plentacle |
008 | Metaliplay SR | 040 | Zone Cuts SRX | 072 | Planar Probes | 104 | Q Slipperies |
009 | TX Tech Torx | 041 | Panapoly Pans | 073 | Zone Spanner X | 105 | VR Vocule Plug |
010 | Tex PanaBass | 042 | SX Snap Rider | 074 | XS Swiggers | 106 | HX Mysteries |
011 | XR Pana Vox | 043 | TX Tech Fluter | 075 | Multi Bass Low | 107 | Bell Swishers |
012 | Vorx Particles | 044 | Tech Saw Bass | 076 | DX Squidget | 108 | Polar Flares |
013 | XR BrilliaSyn | 045 | LTJ Poinc Bass | 077 | XS Topograph | 109 | FX Lazzerrrs |
014 | Syncho LRSM | 046 | Technosphere | 078 | Bell Plug Bass | 110 | XH Xypnotixx |
015 | HX Voculater | 047 | JP Strings XP | 079 | JP Plucks | 111 | Triballax XR |
016 | XS Fantasia | 048 | LXS Swishates | 080 | Tech XS Bass | 112 | SX Empty Bass |
017 | SX Arc Bass | 049 | WD Widget Bs | 081 | XS Harpgears | 113 | Hard Edged Bs |
018 | JS Low Pulse Bass | 050 | XR Polarity | 082 | Quad Star Bs | 114 | XR Throaty Bs |
019 | Tronnicle Bs | 051 | XP Beller Syns | 083 | Stone Metal Bs | 115 | Pan Laser FX |
020 | XP Pluggers | 052 | Techno Phase | 084 | Hvy Syn Guitar | 116 | Pole Transience |
021 | PX Punch Ld | 053 | TX Tonic Toinc | 085 | XRV PanTrons | 117 | Tech Digi Bass |
022 | RX Big Plucks | 054 | XB Bouncy Bs | 086 | SX Snaps RS | 118 | QSR Trancers |
023 | QSV Squiggle | 055 | XS Panapoly | 087 | XS PolarTech | 119 | XP Throaters |
024 | Vox Particles | 056 | PX Panaflute | 088 | XP Big Pulse | 120 | XRS Ticklers |
025 | XP PoleStars | 057 | QX Drone SX | 089 | Chime Pan Bass | 121 | Drum Portals |
026 | Pulse Patrol Bs | 058 | Tech Cut Bs | 090 | XR Tubulator | 122 | Cut Trackers |
027 | Clack Pulse Bass | 059 | DP Strings LP | 091 | Ooh Wind Waves | 123 | XM Perc Smash |
028 | XRV Tonnicals | 060 | Syn Talker XS | 092 | Pole DR Bass | 124 | FX Clickules |
029 | Compu XX RSX | 061 | Percasaurus X | 093 | QSX Pole Lead | 125 | XR Applicant |
030 | XR Atmosphere | 062 | SRVX Rhythmix | 094 | Low Surrender | 126 | XS Chordal XX |
031 | Bigg Stabber | 063 | Pulse X Runner | 095 | Aah Legends | 127 | White Waves |
032 | XP Vox Oracle | 064 | XRP Fluter | 096 | Stick Stone Bass | 128 | TransStipulator |
01 | Digital Drone | 33 | EX Loose Jam |
02 | Pulse Attaxx | 34 | Tech Rippers |
03 | Space Fly By | 35 | Tech Smoothy |
04 | Dance Hydrate | 36 | Dance Tracker |
05 | XR Panapoly | 37 | XR Stabilizer |
06 | XL Contagion | 38 | XR Vocule Dance |
07 | VocuStrobers | 39 | Vox Fannatix |
08 | XR Digital Zone | 40 | XS Inner City |
09 | Smooth Talker | 41 | XR Tabulator |
10 | Reverse Portal | 42 | XR Pan Warrior |
11 | Pole Tronnix | 43 | XP Plenitude |
12 | Ponos Xray | 44 | Rock Hopper |
13 | Function Runner | 45 | Pantron Dance |
14 | ZX Nite Trax | 46 | Perc Elements |
15 | Ponos Smooths | 47 | VX Tech Fluter |
16 | XR Transience | 48 | Fast Pannatix |
17 | Technosphere | 49 | Paddle Driver |
18 | 80's Dance | 50 | Celestial XR |
19 | Nation Strobe | 51 | Q Basis RSX |
20 | Sound Divers | 52 | Drone Drivers |
21 | PS Pallattax | 53 | XR Tribe Attack |
22 | Soft Plugger | 54 | Pan Electrixx |
23 | Rubber Rover | 55 | String Peller |
24 | SR Pole Fazer | 56 | Sticky Runner |
25 | Panorama Pan | 57 | Indian Lights |
26 | Pan XR Ponos | 58 | Paddle Zones |
27 | Plane Probers | 59 | Q Controller |
28 | XP Zig Zigger | 60 | System Runner |
29 | Lazer X Probe | 61 | House Angels |
30 | Rhythm Runner | 62 | Low Panners |
31 | Bass Bones SX | 63 | Q R Panoramics |
32 | Wide Devices | 64 | Tech Sustenance |
01 | Tech Kit |
128 All-New Patches, 64 Performances and 1 Drum Kit Per
Recommended BPM: 136
001 | New Age Rhytmix | 033 | Ooh Genesis SP | 065 | Baby Bellers | 097 | Oculator Pad |
002 | LoveIsPlentiful | 034 | Vox Auralia | 066 | Vocal Matrix | 098 | Slow Falls RX |
003 | Ooh Swarmers | 035 | ChorEpiphany | 067 | Flute Wanders | 099 | Ooh Cycles RS |
004 | Aah Portals | 036 | XS Time Planes | 068 | Central Thought | 100 | Star Wonders |
005 | X Panoramics | 037 | Vox Rainstorm | 069 | String Pads | 101 | Symph Strings |
006 | Hover Heavens | 038 | Vox Waterfall | 070 | Choir Portals | 102 | Slow Tinny Gtr |
007 | Phaseon Flute | 039 | Pluck Primates | 071 | Piano Strings | 103 | Bell Wanders |
008 | Ooh Genesis SP | 040 | Momentasis RS | 072 | Panner Synths | 104 | Vox Far 4-D |
009 | Mystic Spells | 041 | Muter Pads RS | 073 | Kalima Pads | 105 | Tiny Breathers |
010 | Gam Smoothies | 042 | Particle Swarm | 074 | Bottle Freedom | 106 | Vox Surrender |
011 | Vertiscape SX | 043 | Vox Heliscape | 075 | PanaBrights | 107 | Shaku Lights |
012 | Cycle Denial | 044 | VocoPulser RS | 076 | Gentle Tsunami | 108 | XP Plucklates |
013 | Night Hallway | 045 | Far Off Fluter | 077 | Wander Wires | 109 | Vox Chiffers |
014 | NA Panoramics | 046 | Lonely Hearts | 078 | Heaven Lights | 110 | SX Locators |
015 | Bell Miracles | 047 | D50 Heavens | 079 | Syn Padders | 111 | Syn Pantanes |
016 | Choral Auras | 048 | Bellwave Pads | 080 | XS VocoModes | 112 | Space Portal |
017 | Emanations SR | 049 | Shakuhachi SR | 081 | Wash Ahore | 113 | SR Tricklates |
018 | Schematics RS | 050 | Inner Warmth | 082 | New Age Lead | 114 | Pad Fantastic |
019 | EP Pantasis | 051 | Wurli Softs | 083 | Smooth Softs | 115 | Chor Surround |
020 | Aah Portals 2 | 052 | Planar Choral | 084 | Simple Sine Bs | 116 | Harp Glistens |
021 | XY Pads Warmth | 053 | Ooh Portals | 085 | Feel Spectros | 117 | Bell Wonders |
022 | Wanderlights | 054 | Pad Swirlers | 086 | Elemental Pad | 118 | Chordal Swarm |
023 | Guitar Vocals | 055 | TransAural XR | 087 | Vox Fantasias | 119 | Serenades RS |
024 | Pad Fantasias | 056 | Sand and Surf | 088 | Somewhat Singer | 120 | Bright Auras |
025 | Crystallines | 057 | Synth Brillis | 089 | JP Syn Strings | 121 | Pad Pulsators |
026 | Asia Tonic RS | 058 | Kalim Lights | 090 | Malletines SX | 122 | Bell Sparklers |
027 | Log SImplates | 059 | Plenticles RS | 091 | Shamizen Koto | 123 | Stectacles DX |
028 | Breathless SR | 060 | Can Wave Chants | 092 | Hypno Rays RS | 124 | Vox Mysteries |
029 | NX Fluteosis | 061 | Lonely Voices | 093 | Bellackers SX | 125 | Second Sights |
030 | Paducopia XS | 062 | Syn Ray Muters | 094 | New Age Plucks | 126 | Vortex Throbs |
031 | Inner Spectral | 063 | Pad Risers RS | 095 | Deep Chorals | 127 | Wind Spectres |
032 | EX Openers | 064 | Ooh Auralias | 096 | UltraLights | 128 | Lonely Whistlers |
01 | New Ice Crystal | 33 | Pan Ports ST |
02 | Mysticals SP | 34 | Space Flutes |
03 | Serenade | 35 | Guitar Crosses |
04 | NA Glisteners | 36 | New Age Swaggers |
05 | Fletessence | 37 | Mallet Indian |
06 | Soft Simplate | 38 | Campfire Choir |
07 | Hypno Repeat | 39 | Pan Rangers |
08 | Vox Swirlers | 40 | Aura Mystique |
09 | Aural Oohs SX | 41 | Think Twice |
10 | Fantasia Soul | 42 | Mallet Risers |
11 | Panoramic Dynamic | 43 | Aural Magnate |
12 | Guitar Mystique | 44 | Night Bongos |
13 | Miracle Aura | 45 | Vocal Stasis |
14 | Forest Sweeps | 46 | Pantane Particles |
15 | Beller Lights | 47 | Symphonic Run |
16 | Hypnotique RP | 48 | Stringscapes |
17 | Existence XR | 49 | Choral Swayers |
18 | Smooth Movie Theme | 50 | Deep Choir Crying |
19 | New Age Softs | 51 | Soft One Key |
20 | Flute Song FNO | 52 | Pan Syn Plug |
21 | Nigh Generators | 53 | Gentle Brights |
22 | Fantasia Keys | 54 | Thought Particles |
23 | Brush Elements | 55 | Crystaline Entity |
24 | Smooth Destination | 56 | Free My Soul |
25 | Choral Oasis | 57 | Deep Chorals |
26 | Midnight Pensive | 58 | Mini Zone RS |
27 | Enormous Aahs | 59 | Spell Swirls |
28 | Choralaggio | 60 | Pay Attention |
29 | Heaven Morale | 61 | Trinate Pads |
30 | Portal Generator | 62 | Space Wanders |
31 | Pons Simplistic | 63 | Soft Breathers |
32 | Bell Wanders | 64 | Pad Layers |
128 All-New Patches, 64 Performances Per Disk!
Recommended BPM: 84
4-D Film is filled with interdimensional patterns, swirls,
4-dimensional room-filling musicial and FX SFX, dynamic
backgrounds, mood creating patches, hypnotic, trance-inducing
pads that change over time and take over your aural landscape.
Great for Film, New Age, as well as background
for Dance, Techno, House and more!
Recommended BPM: 84
Patch Names:
001 | Choral Scapes | 033 | Ooh Genesis 2 | 065 | Exploratory X | 097 | Dark Congas |
002 | Helisphere XS | 034 | Hallowed Ground | 066 | Mag Shifters | 098 | Triquillates |
003 | Ooh Voculars | 035 | Aah Particles | 067 | Dark Misters | 099 | Core Scanner |
004 | Alien Sine Waves | 036 | Verticle Aura | 068 | Night Crawlers | 100 | Methodical Muse |
005 | X Panoramics | 037 | Pulsedgiator | 069 | Chorx Twirler | 101 | Plenetia Pans |
006 | Hypno Control | 038 | Oscillates PX | 070 | Plug Attaxx | 102 | Aah Stagnates |
007 | Spherial XRS | 039 | Emanates Wave | 071 | Wavery Pads | 103 | Skin Crawlers |
008 | Dream Pads RS | 040 | Science Control | 072 | Bell Blankets | 104 | Night Waters |
009 | Deep Throaty | 041 | Swarm Caller | 073 | Explosivox | 105 | Trunklaters |
010 | SlowContexxx | 042 | Low Flyer | 074 | Jupiter Oasis | 106 | Polar Punchers |
011 | Rhythmicon RS | 043 | Ooh Wanderers | 075 | Trance Bubble | 107 | Hollow Cutter |
012 | Phonnettixx | 044 | Spectrohsis X | 076 | Asia Panadome | 108 | Jim Jangles |
013 | Windrifters | 045 | Dizzy Machine | 077 | Tribal Lows | 109 | Spectral Field |
014 | Mystical Call | 046 | Morning Saga | 078 | Tech Vertibrate | 110 | X Dimensional |
015 | XR Ventricles | 047 | Science Space | 079 | Icicles SRX | 111 | Tiny Essence |
016 | Teleportasis | 048 | Lunar Whisps | 080 | Ahh Immortals | 112 | Voculaxx RS |
017 | Planet Welcome | 049 | I Will Breathe | 081 | Smart Probes | 113 | Whisper Drones |
018 | Earth Oasis | 050 | Gentle Giant | 082 | Spec Variants | 114 | Who Watches |
019 | 4-Dimension Ooh | 051 | Digimites RS | 083 | Stellar Warm | 115 | Vox Whispers |
020 | Hemispheres | 052 | Incandessence | 084 | Dark Crawlers | 116 | Dark Nebulas |
021 | Hollow Darkness | 053 | Hollow Fields | 085 | Pioneer XRGS | 117 | Night Stalker |
022 | Radio Waves | 054 | Pantaflutes SX | 086 | Dulcimites RS | 118 | Organic State |
023 | Portal Wavers | 055 | Chamberesque | 087 | Sea Crest Waters | 119 | Quill Stgnates |
024 | We Breathe | 056 | Ghost Chanters | 088 | Space Trills | 120 | Hollow Portals |
025 | Plutonium RX | 057 | Swirling Auras | 089 | Magnetic Waves | 121 | Glow Chambers |
026 | AuralScape MX | 058 | Wind Talkers | 090 | Choral Lowest | 122 | Whisper Tunnel |
027 | Dark Tunnels | 059 | Hollow Walls | 091 | Technicallix | 123 | Tribal Theory |
028 | Hydroplanars | 060 | Trachiator | 092 | Portal Barrier | 124 | Ice Cracklers |
029 | Moon Hydrates | 061 | Jupiter Swirl | 093 | Stone Voices | 125 | Pannattax 4 RS |
030 | Encounter At X | 062 | Trickler Wave | 094 | Inanimate Vox | 126 | Star Showers |
031 | Starry Nights | 063 | Vocal Beauties | 095 | War Pipes RS | 127 | Vox Planetary |
032 | Mystical APS | 064 | Fannattixx | 096 | Something's Here | 128 | Wind Tunnellls |
01 | Lunar Rings | 33 | Plenetia Scan |
02 | Mortal Coil SR | 34 | Eye of Darkness |
03 | Contex Spectre | 35 | Pan Plenetias |
04 | Flute Oasis | 36 | Tribal Ground |
05 | Chor Surround | 37 | Space Engine |
06 | Night Showers | 38 | Polar Swarms |
07 | Mortal Existence | 39 | Soft Swirlers |
08 | Open Vortexx | 40 | Latent Warmers |
09 | Vocule Vacule | 41 | Tone Vocasis |
10 | Laboratory Z | 42 | Light Oasis |
11 | Dark Chasms | 43 | Encounter At Y |
12 | Chamber Hollow | 44 | Tribal Landing |
13 | Ocean Waters | 45 | Moon Portals |
14 | Portico Polar | 46 | Solemn Waters |
15 | Tiny Emulates | 47 | Breathing Zone |
16 | Oscilloscope | 48 | Science Stage |
17 | Symph Breather | 49 | Vocal Spaces |
18 | Moonlight Wash | 50 | Stellar Warmth |
19 | Slow Wanderer | 51 | Winds Ground |
20 | Ghost Control | 52 | Cracklerrs SX |
21 | Scan Codes | 53 | Swirl Magnates |
22 | Breath Crawls | 54 | Portal Openers |
23 | Oral Oculator | 55 | Throaty Wash |
24 | Vocular Swath | 56 | Helical Match |
25 | Vortex Spats | 57 | Try To Escape! |
26 | Encounter Pad | 58 | Snake Charms |
27 | Science Contact | 59 | Tribe Swarms |
28 | Core Explorer | 60 | Crashing Waters |
29 | Falling Chambers | 61 | Night Sweepers |
30 | Cold Chambers | 62 | Glow Chambers |
31 | Oscilli Ghost | 63 | Slow Swarms |
32 | Night Oasis | 64 | Space Stories |
128 All-New Patches, 64 Performances Per Disk!
Recommended BPM: 78 and 120
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