Pro-Rec's Synth
Sound Cards & Disks for
the Korg i1, i2, i3, I-1, I-2,
I-3, i4s, i5, i5m, IX-300,
& Korg I-Series Compatibles!

Our synth sounds have been TOP RATED
in "Keyboard," "Electronic Musician," "Recording,"
"Korg Connection," "Sound on Sound UK,"
"FutureMusic UK" & many more!

Synth Pic

Pro-Rec's I-Series Sounds!

Our I-Series sounds are great, especially since you can get all 7 for just $99! They have been top rated and can be emailed to you the same day. They are not style disks they are program disks... that means they are all new patches based around the internal samples. They don't feature styles or arrangements, just great sounds. Again, they have been top rated and have been some of our most popular sounds. To order, click here!

Pro-Rec offers seven complete banks for the Korg I-3,
I-4, I-5, IX-300, I-Series, X-5, 03R, 05R, X-Series, I-Series and N-Series, with
100 voices and 100 combinations each. Our I-3 sounds
have been given the best reviews anywhere on any I-3 library,
TOP RATED in "Korg Connection" newsletter (see top reviews below)!

Titles Pro-Rec Offers for the Korg I-3 & IX-300:
Super Dance
Heaven Synth
Urban Sound

Disk: 39.90 each
GET ALL 7 ON DISK, just $99!!

We can email these files right to you!

I -Series Disk Prices:

Mac or PC Email: $39.90 Each
Special: $99 for all 7 Disks!
Floppy Disks: (Same)

We can email these sounds to you!

Check out Korg's quotable on our sounds,
coming from Korg management, itself...:

"Play and enjoy the sounds - they're really quite good!!"
- Jerry Kovarsky Korg Keyboard and Recording Product Manager, Korg USA

Korg management's comments on our company, Pro-Rec:
"Pro-Rec is a fine and reputable company who has been providing valuable sound
support for Korg products for ten years now. There aren't many third party companies
left anymore making new sounds to enhance your use of your instruments -
they provide a good and valuable service to all of us!"
- Jerry Kovarsky Korg Keyboard and Recording Product Manager, Korg USA

Super Dance features great dance & synth hits, leads, pads,
basses & percussive sounds, along with two great dance drum kits.
Punchy & vivid synths & basses. Our most popular dance
bank, given an "Excellent" rating in "Korg Connection" newsletter.

Patch Names:
00SuperDance25Positron.5003PolyWave75 Warm03Pad
0103DanceWave26Supertrump51Vociferous76 Poly Wave
02SuperQSound27UltraWave52HyprDistrt77 PowerBrass
03Hyper Poly28Poly Wave53MultiStrng78 SuperSSax
04Ultrawave29Square Hit54Poly Organ79 03SprWave
05Hydra Poly30PolyMuteBs55PadraKeys80 Brilliance
0603PolyKeys31Poly Sound56PianoBass81 SprPolyBas
07Wonder Pad32Dance Keys57Poly 0382 03PhasePad
08WondrVoice3303 OrchHit58Under Bass83 SynMeltBas
09HelioDance34Poly Keys5903MuteBass84 Hypertone
10QuadraWave35Super Tap60 PowerTrump85 Super Aah
11Wave Pulse36PBrushBass61SuperAhPad86 PowerKalim
12Hydra PWM37SprPolyPad62Heliokeys87 Hyper Clav
13Power Pad38SuperDancBs63SynSineWav88 HellowPad
14AnalogReso39Poly Vox6401SawKeys89 HyperClick
15Polytron40SprPlckBass65PowerBells90 StringsPad
16WaveEnvlope41PowerPulse66Super Log91 HydraPole
1703 Analog42Parabolic67Hyper03Bas92 PolyAnaWav
18Poly Piano4303PolyBass68Distbass93 HydraVoice
19Hyperbole.44Marim Bass69SuperTSax94 Power Logg
20AnaSoundPad 45AcousSynBas70Acidibass95 Superphase
21PolyEBass46PolyMarim71Wave Keys96 Scitex.
22Velophone4703DancePad72Panabola97 Quick Vox
23Superflute4803PolyBass7303OrganBas98 PowerPluck
2403PolyWarm49QuadraBass74Hydra Pad99 X3SuperDrum

These patches are all split into two banks: one bank of 64
patches and one bank of 36 patches, for 100 patches in all.

Our I-3 library has been TOP RATED in Korg Connection
Newsletter... check out some of their top comments:

"The Super Dance disk tastefully combines the older
analog sounds with a modern digital finesse that strongly
identified the i-3 as its own sounding keyboard.
...Add this one to my personal collection. ...If you enjoy
sounds with lots of multi-tap delays, flanges, and layers
typically created by mixing old analogs with modern digital
synths, then this collection certainly won't disappoint!
Korg Connection Rating: "4 out of 5...
Excellent - Couldn't be much better!"

Colorbrush features highly expressive keys - pianos with
strings, EPs with pads, straight-forward EPs and glassy
key sounds, acoustic basses, meat-and-potato key sounds, and more.

00Color Wave25SuperLight50Symphony75 VocePluck
01ProSoundEP26Tap Lights51SlowAirVoce76 SuperWarmEP
02ColorStrng27BeautifulEP52WeatherPad77 Piloflute.
03Wonderful.28SuperChoir53Super Soft78 PolySqrWave
04SuperHeavn29MarimSound54Soft Piano79 LightOrgan
05JupiterPad30BrightStrng55Bells Voxx80 MultiFlute
06BeautyKeys31ThoughPad56FlutterPad81 Thought Wave
07Flexipad32Low Bass57WhisprKeys82 HeavenWave
08BeautyLite33WondrSine58Soft Pianos83 Slow Symph
09WondrWorld34Ana Strings59LonelyStrn84 Tine Skeys
10HeavnPluck35Poly Pluck60 Syn Choir85 UltraThought
11UltraBright36FluteBreth61GhostExprs86 Wonder Why
12SuprSoftEP37SprSineBass62PianoLight87 SuperFlute
13JupiterLog38A Bass 163A Bass 288 Analog Pad
14Super Voice39SprMuteBas64LonelyKeys89 03VoxxPad
15HeavnLight40AnalgColor65UltraWave90 WonderDome
16BeautyOrgan41IndianFlute66SilentVoce91 OrganLight
17PianoSymph42VoiceKeys67Wonder Pad92 Poly Pads
18ComeHomeSn43Synth Bass68HeavenBels93 Night Air
19UltraVoice44MarimaBell69MidWhisper94 Waterfall.
20LightChoir45MidntPluck70SprWarmSqre95 MiracleWind
21MiracleSoft46RushStrngs71DoubleVibe96 FinalHeavn
22HeavnDance47Panaflute72SuperChoir97 Ultimate.
23PianoBrush48SuperMarim73Soft Pad98 X3SprDrum1
24MarimWaves49BeautySine74Poly Sawws99 X3SprDrum2

Dance features more understated but still powerful dance
& synth hits, leads, pads, basses, and percussive sounds,
along with two complete drum kits. More mellow and
general-purpose than Super Dance and Urban Sound,
great for pop or slightly lighter dance tracks.

00PluckDance25VocePadKeys50Analog Pad75 GhostLubbs
01WondrSound26WonderSine51PadraBells76 SuperSynRim
02SuperStrng27WaveStrngs52SpectraWave77 ClicksLite
03WarmAnalog28SuperLight53Super Soft78 FastStrings
04Poly Voice29Analog Hit54Light Pad79 MicroSines
05Bright Syn30SuprFMLead55WonderVibe80 SlwAirVoce
06WonderPad31HeavnCome56HyperVoice81 LoggStrings
07Poly Wave32BrightKeys57ElemenGtr82 CalioFlute
08Power Hit33PolyBreath58SuperGhost83 SquarePads
0903FlangeSyn3403PWMKeys59PowerTrump84 DoubleTime
10HeavenHit35SuperSine260 BottleKeys85 DoubleStrng
11HyperKeys36Synth Pad61Tiny Flute86 StarryNight
12SuperPiano37Piano Synth62SuperSine387 Super Zap
13Voice Wave38Light Sound63PWMRsoKeys88 Heaven.
14PulseKeys39SuperHeavn64Quiet Keys89 SuperNight
1503WaveHit40PwrSynBass65AnalogKeys90 FinalHeavn
16ExpresVoice41Poly Mute66SuperFlute91 Hyper Sine
17BeautyStrn42Orcabass67SynthMarim92 ElectrWave
18SuperPHit43AnalogBass68HeavenBels93 HyprThought
19HyperSound44SprSynBass69Harp Wave94 HyperClicks
20PowerVoice45LightGtr 170Fuzz Bass95 NightStrng
21AhSuperHit46SuprInvert71SyntheSines96 BeautyPian
22Super Logg47SprPulseBass72ClicksPads97 WondrBreth
23Voice Talk48Electribass73Analog Hit98 X3SuprDrm1
24Super Bells49SuperDncBs74Choir Pad99 X3SuprDrm2

Heaven Synth features superb new age sounds: light synths,
beautiful textured background sounds, ethereal, lush pads,
light keys, and rich, expressive light synth textures.
Our very popular new age bank. Beautiful sounds and textures!


00LightSound25PolyAirWave50Heavenly.75 Vocal Wave
01WonderSine26Sine Wave51WindString76 PolySynVox
02Imagesound27SuperAnalog52Organ Pad77 OrganNight
03MarimLight28WondrLight53Poly Waves78 Pad Symph
04Miracle.29Oceania54Breathe EP79 EP Lights
05Superbrush30SoftString55LovlyPiano80 Wave Ghost
06Hypersound31LonelyVoice56HyperLight81 LogPolyWav
07Heaven Air32BottleKeys57Poly Sine 382 SineHeaven
08BeautyChord33Hyper Loop58EtherChorl83 Wonder Aah
09Night Sun34SuperSweep59Voice Wish84 SlowChoirs
10Light Wave35HeavnOrgan60 Poly Sound85 ToyPadKeys
11ThoughtTime36BeautySine61Wonder Log86 Poly Vocal
12Voice Choir37Hypeeffect62BeautyVoce87 NightBells
13HeavenKeys38Mute Keys63MarimSound88 MellowKeys
14HeavnAnalg39E Piano 164Aire Bell89 Bell Light
15NightWind40HeavnStrng65Panaflute90 FlutterSound
16Hyper Wave41SuprString66VocalGhost91 LonelyNight
17PianoLight42Panasound.67MiniVibes92 Butterfly.
18SuperBright43VocalPPads68MellowSine93 BellLights
19Poly Sound44LightLoggs69Poly Light94 LoggChoirs
20HeavnLight45OrganPhone70Flutterwave95 HeavenBrsh
21PanaClicks46Heaven Pad71Etherawave96 JupiterPiano
22HeavnlySnd47WaterWaves72Light Harp97 AliaHeaven
23Multi Wave48LightPulse73SilentVoice98 X3HvnDrum1
24Night Star49Molecular74Poly Piano99 X3HvnDrum2

Urban Sound features heavy, urban dance textures, complete
with house, acid, and techno dance basses, powerful analog
synth hits & leads that will give your synth powerful,
charged dance sound... More super hot dance sounds!

00HelioSynth25HydraPulse50IndianSaws75 SynthNight
01Quadrawave26Helio Keys51QuadrOrgan76 ParabolaWv
02JptrAnalog27Quadrasynth52HydraSquare77 SquarePulse
0303UltraPad28PanaVocal53SynthKalim78 ClaviClicks
04HelioWires29Poly Loggs54Tamale Snd79 QuadraKeys
05String Hits30SynthBass155Sine Waves80 Marim
06Hydra Waves31SynthBass256PanaWaves81 Flange Saws
0703PowrBase32SynthBass357Inversion82 HardLowBas
08HermesVoice33SynthBass458Pulsator83 ElemePulse
09Poly Organ34RunningBass59Clavilight84 Sine Melt
10Simme 335Poly Alloy60 03LightVox85 PanaPlseBas
11Hydra Lub.36SuperSmooth61PhaseNight86 PowerGuitar
12Parabola.37PolySquare62VocalPluck87 QuasiTaiko
13Quadraplex38SuperEBass6303TriPulse88 03AnalogPad
14Poly Phase3903PolyLub6403OrchsHit89 MiniPulseLd
15Vocal Pad40HvyAltBass65ElectroBas90 QuadraSpace
16HelioVoice41Paseotron6603SynthOrgn91 Phaseopad
17Hydra Poly42Posiboost67HyperLead92 JupiterLogs
18AquaPulse43Super Poly68SynTomPerc93 Scitex.
1903Emimetic44AcidiPulse69HydrSquare94 Quadra Zap
20PulseLeads45AirVoxPad70SinePluckBs95 QuadraZap2
21LucidaKeys46Simmeclav71ClaviBright96 QuadraZap3
22Wonder 0347PolyHydras72Ultra Vox97 Resotronic
23UrbanPiano48SprTapBass73Poly Sawws98 X3UrbanDrm
24JupiterWave49BrightPoly74QuietAnalog99 X3UrbanDrm2

Filmscape features an absolutely unbeatable set of ambient,
3-D, film & room-filling background film sounds that swirl
and develop over time. Perfect for soundtracks and movie
scoring, or anyone looking for original, hard-to-find patches.
Given a perfect, 5-star review in Korg Connection!

00SuroundSnd25HyperFlght50HelioVoice75 Hyperflute
01Superscape26MiracleWnd51Planetune76 Mini Ghost
02AliaAttack27CosmoClick52MultiGhost77 Hyperlift
03DynaVocals28Heliphase53Quasicosm78 AnalogFall
04SuperHeavn29SeaOfLove54Guitrotary79 Crickets
05SuperString30Panavoice55Hydroscape80 Hydrophase
06Choir Lifts31BackgdSine56SuperNight81 Alienation
07HydraPhase32HeavenAria57WhiteNoise82 Snow Bells
08PlanetGhst33Spectral5803 Film EP83 Mini Lore
09HydroVoice34MysteryBel59PlanetVoce84 Micronight
10HydrAnalog35VoiceKeys60 MicroLite85 SpaceClaps
11Microplane36Panastring61OceanDream86 Panaplucks
12Lub Waves37AnalogPad62MoodTechBs87 Logg Waves
13Planets38Soft Choir63PercsThing88 Be Ware
14Flute Wave39Spectrawve64Superflute89 Helilandng
15SuperSweep40SilentWave65Air Tunnel90 Microstorm
16Aliascape41FarawayStr66StrngScape91 Panadream
17Synthesis42PianoVocal67CribDreams92 Helipad
18Cosmos43SlowString68Teleport93 EerieSpeed
19Slow Voice44Lost Souls69Panadrum94 Flying Pno
20RandomPlnt45Air Vocals70Panastring95 MarimWave
21PlanaChorals46HydraVocal71Waterfalls96 Panaloggs
22VocalsPad47BrushOrgan72Space Port97 Panacolor
23Space Wind48Etherebell73VocalsWave98 Positoots
24RichAnalog49MicroStrng74ChoirVoice99 Halo Voice

"This new set of sounds by Pro-Rec is truly outstanding.
There were so many creatively unique combinations &
programs that I ran out of space to talk about them all.
Pro-Rec fully utilizes the synth's sound editing envelopes
and original PCM data. One of the subtleties I enjoy most
is the Value Slider assignment. Pro-Rec programs the
effect-controlling slider function practically and usefully
for each combination. Over all, this set of sounds are
among the best I've ever heard!" Korg Connection
Newsletter. Rating: "5 out of 5... A Must Buy!" -
The only card & the only company ever to receive this rating!

Natural features dynamic natural, acoustic and light
synth patches. Rich, layered pianos and EPs, and much
much more. 100 high quality programs and combinations of
acoustic orchestral and light synth keys, basses, strings, hits
and more. Rated "Excellent" in Korg Connection newsletter!

0001PadPiano25RichStrings50EP Voices75 Pad Vocals
01PianoStrng26SuperHeavn51PadPiano+76 Superflute
02VoxStrings27SoftPadKeys52LightToots77 Lightbells
03Soft Light28Vocal EP53SlowSymph78 BottleBrth
04Heaven EP29Brush Piano54PowerBrass79 Voice Bell
05MarimWaves30PowerOrgan55MicroOrgan80 Panavibes
06OrganLight31Light Sine56Warm Piano81 NaturePick
07Panasymph32Micro Lubs57E Piano 482 Gama Bell
08Poly Flute33SuperGtBas58Oldfastrng83 ChoirKalim
09FastString34PanaGuitar59MuteTromb84 SupePick
10KalimSound35SuperKalim60 Light Lead85 DoubleDist
11Piano2Wave36Log Pluck61LightVibes86 Poly Vibe
12PercOrgans37Micro Bell62Pad Piano287 FlutterTne
13Rich Symph38SuperGMute63NightStrng88 LightSynth
14VocalLight39Fantaflute64Nature Keys89 Oboe Sound
15EP Bright40PunchABass65GuitarVoce90 Super Log
16PolyGuitar41Micro Keys66SuperTromb91 Organ Wave
17PlckString42SuperTrump67Panabells92 VibresNight
18Silent Keys43Panapluck68SuperASax93 Poly Block
19BrightStrng44BrethFlute69AcGuitar294 Poly Clav
20Softest EP45StrngLight70E Bass 295 SoftStrngs
21PolyTrumps46SuperABas371E Piano 396 SilentStrs
22Clariwave47E Piano 272Kalim Keys97 Soft Flute
23SuperABass48QuickStrng73SoftGuitar98 FlyingPiano
24SuperTSax49Padrabells74SuperMute99 MarimsWave


"The Super Dance disk tastefully combines the older
analog sounds with a modern digital finesse that strongly
identified the I-Series as its own sounding keyboard.
...Add this one to my personal collection. ...If you enjoy
sounds with lots of multi-tap delays, flanges, and layers
typically created by mixing old analogs with modern digital
synths, then this collection certainly won't disappoint!
Korg Connection Rating: "4 out of 5...
Excellent - Couldn't be much better!"

"This new set of sounds by Pro-Rec is truly outstanding.
There were so many creatively unique combinations &
programs that I ran out of space to talk about them all.
Pro-Rec fully utilizes the I-Series's sound editing envelopes
and original PCM data. One of the subtleties I enjoy most
is the Value Slider assignment. Pro-Rec programs the
effect-controlling slider function practically and usefully
for each combination. Over all, this set of sounds are
among the best I've ever heard!" Korg Connection
Newsletter. Rating: "5 out of 5... A Must Buy!" -
The only card & the only company ever to receive this rating!

I-Series 01 NATURAL:
"This disk of sounds by Pro-Rec is fun for the whole family.
...This disk as a whole offers some good quality programming!
...The quality of programs are great and they can be applied to just about
any style and genre of music." Korg Connection Rating: "
4 out of 5... Excellent - Couldn't be much better!"


Click on these boxes
for more info on our products:

Pro-Rec offers high quality sounds and
samples for almost every synth and sampler
to musicians all around the world!

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And get your synths and other hardware from:

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Our CD-ROMs and synth sounds
have been top rated in "Keyboard,"
"Electronic Musician," "Recording Magazine,"
"Korg Connection," "Triton Haven,"
"Trinity Haven," "Sound on Sound UK,"
"FutureMusic", and many more.

PO Box 633
Tiburon, CA 94920 U.S.A.

email us!: sounds@pro-rec.com
phone: No phone until iPhone! (Email us!) *we prefer email
fax: (801) 409-7534

©2006 Pro-Rec, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Best Synth Sounds for Musicians Around the World!
We've Been #1 in Synth Sounds in the World for Over 15 Years!
Be sure to web order, call, mail, or fax us with your order today!


Synth Pic