M1 EX Disk Prices: |
00 | Pana Bright | 25 | SuperKalim | 50 | DynaRounds | 75 | Tri Digital |
01 | PanaString | 26 | DynaWaves | 51 | DigitlKeys | 76 | Pulse Vibe |
02 | Quadralog | 27 | Pulsealog | 52 | PanaString | 77 | Dual Waves |
03 | AquaPulse | 28 | WaveTron | 53 | Pulse Lead | 78 | Computone |
04 | AquaTron | 29 | Malletine | 54 | Pana Saw | 79 | MalleoBell |
05 | SuperPiano | 30 | Hyperflute | 55 | Vocal Pops | 80 | WonderMelt |
06 | Ultra Poly | 31 | VocoSine | 56 | Pop Brush | 81 | Phaseolog |
07 | PanaPoly | 32 | PhaseWaves | 57 | Dance Organ | 82 | Aqua Pads |
08 | Ana TriLog | 33 | MallePad | 58 | PanaSweeps | 83 | DigiSweeps |
09 | HelioTron | 34 | Poly Bass 1 | 59 | CompuTri | 84 | Vocalon |
10 | HelioTones | 35 | Poly Bass 2 | 60 | Pop Voice | 85 | DigiPulse |
11 | Pong Pluck | 36 | DigiBass 1 | 61 | IndianFlute | 86 | Vocollect |
12 | PanaPhones | 37 | DigiBass 2 | 62 | Mallepluck | 87 | PulseString |
13 | Pop LIghts | 38 | PulseBass1 | 63 | ChoruPicks | 88 | VocoPulse |
14 | Pulsators | 39 | Pan Mallets | 64 | Voco Hit | 89 | PanaSync |
15 | Fast Plucks | 40 | DanceDrms1 | 65 | SuperPian2 | 90 | Pana Flute |
16 | SuperPicks | 41 | DigiTones | 66 | MalleoLog | 91 | Poly Plick |
17 | Helio Poly | 42 | Bright Syn | 67 | QuickVibe | 92 | CompuChiff |
18 | TablaWaves | 43 | Ultra Pad | 68 | LowBass | 93 | DigiWave5 |
19 | Paseo Sun | 44 | Fast Vocals | 69 | PulseBass2 | 94 | Soft Sine |
20 | GlassFlute | 45 | Nightly Pad | 70 | Paleo Bass | 95 | PhaseSpec |
21 | SmoothPads | 46 | PanaBells | 71 | Asia Pulse | 96 | Poly Revs |
22 | Panamax | 47 | QuadraPhne | 72 | DynaSound | 97 | PanaLights |
23 | Vocophase | 48 | Vocaplucks | 73 | Wave Pulse | 98 | Silent Pop |
24 | Panapads | 49 | P Brights | 74 | Panalogs | 99 | UltimaWire |
Based on our M1 patches that were TOP RATED
IN KEYBOARD! "We love this card... filled with edgy,
grating, annoying and wonderfully inventive patches -
just the thing for dance/industrial/rave/techno/house
fanatics. ...plenty of hot basses, fat pads, and percussive
description-defying whatsits to satisfy the most
discriminating key pounder." Michael Marans, Keyboard
00 | PanaKarim | 25 | Pelo Flute | 50 | DynaStrngs | 75 | PlexaChoir |
01 | Magic EPs | 26 | TrembleEPs | 51 | D Piano 2 | 76 | Piesines |
02 | PanaFlutes | 27 | Rich Waves | 52 | WarmString | 77 | SoftStrins |
03 | Grand EPs | 28 | P Pads 1 | 53 | Pana Pong | 78 | LiteCovers |
04 | StrngMarim | 29 | Plenesis | 54 | DigiPiano1 | 79 | MalleChoir |
05 | PianoStrg1 | 30 | ShiftStrgs | 55 | Toinc EPs | 80 | SweptBotles |
06 | PanaString | 31 | PelioFlute | 56 | Super T Sax | 81 | SoftFlutes |
07 | SuperMalet | 32 | SoftVoices | 57 | Super A Sax | 82 | Pana Organ |
08 | Hydralogs | 33 | VibeNights | 58 | HeliVoices | 83 | Pluckarim |
09 | ElectricEP | 34 | Pop Picks | 59 | Pop Plinck | 84 | MultiVibes |
10 | EP Lights | 35 | SineString | 60 | PanaBlock | 85 | MicroMelt |
11 | Vocasis | 36 | SuperTrump | 61 | OrganWaves | 86 | VocoString |
12 | SoftPianos | 37 | Poly Brass | 62 | VocaPlucks | 87 | PanaRiches |
13 | WirePianos | 38 | Wave Organ | 63 | SoftKarims | 88 | WaterMalet |
14 | DigitlKeys | 39 | HyperBells | 64 | Spectross | 89 | PeloTrems |
15 | MarimHeavn | 40 | OldEPWaves | 65 | MarimVoces | 90 | ChoirVoces |
16 | ChoirString | 41 | HitStrings | 66 | VocoSweeps | 91 | SpaceFlute |
17 | MicroBotls | 42 | PlexBottle | 67 | WindFlutes | 92 | WaterWaves |
18 | PanaMallet | 43 | Hydrapans | 68 | Vocal Keys | 93 | BellsLight |
19 | SoftestEPs | 44 | OrganChoir | 69 | Super BSax | 94 | SpaceChoir |
20 | BriliStrng | 45 | MultiPicks | 70 | LightPluck | 95 | AngelFlute |
21 | P WarmPads | 46 | PluckStrng | 71 | SuperTromb | 96 | Pop Falls |
22 | AnaNights | 47 | TriMallets | 72 | T Heaven | 97 | CompuMalet |
23 | BottleVoce | 48 | ReveString | 73 | StringPad1 | 98 | HeloHeaven |
24 | TrickleEPs | 49 | Helo G Keys | 74 | TribalToms | 99 | SoftChoral |
00 | Planetlog | 25 | PeloFlutes | 50 | DynaRounds | 75 | Panalights |
01 | PanaString | 26 | WindSweeps | 51 | Spacelogs | 76 | Piesines |
02 | TinePlucks | 27 | RichWaves | 52 | VocaLore | 77 | SoftStrings |
03 | Night Choir | 28 | Spacials | 53 | Plexidigs | 78 | AquaSpoons |
04 | PitchPlex | 29 | Plenisis | 54 | VocalPlex | 79 | MalleChoir |
05 | StarryPads | 30 | PhaseShift | 55 | Spectrosis | 80 | Spectralis |
06 | TrueSweeps | 31 | NiteChorus | 56 | Pop Trems | 81 | Dynalog |
07 | SuperMalet | 32 | SlowSweeps | 57 | Sync Saws | 82 | Aquapads |
08 | Hydralog | 33 | PickWave | 58 | Wavealog | 83 | Pluckarim |
09 | Heliotron | 34 | AquaDigits | 59 | CompuTri | 84 | SpaceWaves |
10 | Paleonics | 35 | PadWaves | 60 | Planevoice | 85 | DigiPulse |
11 | Quadrapane | 36 | CompuSInes | 61 | IndianFlut | 86 | ChoruSweep |
12 | VocoPulses | 37 | Vocalesis | 62 | Quadrafeet | 87 | DigiPads |
13 | Speluncss | 38 | IndianVoce | 63 | A TakeOff | 88 | RhythmTrem |
14 | Animations | 39 | PanaBamboo | 64 | Spectross | 89 | Grasshopper |
15 | WaterWaves | 40 | UltraBends | 65 | Soft Piano | 90 | Spacecast |
16 | FluteLight | 41 | DigiTones | 66 | Vocosweeps | 91 | Aliemesage |
17 | ReveHydras | 42 | PlexaSweep | 67 | WindFlutes | 92 | Panablips |
18 | SecretBell | 43 | HydroOasis | 68 | Space Keys | 93 | SlowWaves |
19 | Soft Hydra | 44 | TremBamboo | 69 | PanaWarms | 94 | SoftSweeps |
20 | Brillisweep | 45 | ShiftSweep | 70 | Vocoplexus | 95 | Elevatrix |
21 | RichMallet | 46 | Alternatus | 71 | AltoRhythm | 96 | Pop Falls |
22 | AnaNights | 47 | PlaneSquare | 72 | T Heavens | 97 | Quadralore |
23 | PhaserPoly | 48 | Ultrapads | 73 | Low Pulses | 98 | SpaceCoptr |
24 | SoftBamboo | 49 | PolyPlanar | 74 | PeloVoices | 99 | HeloHeaven |
Based on our M1 patches that were TOP RATED
IN KEYBOARD! "We love this card... filled with edgy,
grating, annoying and wonderfully inventive patches -
just the thing for dance/industrial/rave/techno/house
fanatics. ...plenty of hot basses, fat pads, and percussive
description-defying whatsits to satisfy the most
discriminating key pounder." Michael Marans, Keyboard
Based on our M1 patches that were TOP RATED
IN KEYBOARD! "Plenty of warm, beautiful sounds,
suitable for atmospheric effects and new age tracks."
Jim Aikin, Keyboard Magazine.
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